Tag: depression

Highest Standards, Nationally Recognized:

Diet and Depression

Diet and Depression

Substance use disorder (SUD) wreaks emotional and physical damage, and in treatment, you can learn to balance your diet and reverse the effects of continuous substance abuse. How Does Your Diet Affect Depression? Dr. Monique Tello writes in the Harvard Read More ›

Dependent Personality Disorder

Dependent Personality Disorder

A dependent personality disorder is characterized by the anxious feeling of being alone or the inability to be alone. Individuals who suffer from this disorder rely on other people for comfort, reassurance, advice, and support. Some people experience something similar, Read More ›

Justifications That Lead You to Relapse

justifications for relapse

Relapse is, unfortunately, a common occurrence in the recovery community. There is a multitude of reasons and justifications that your mind can come up with that will convince you to begin using drugs and/or alcohol again. It can be discouraging Read More ›

Coping With Depression

Coping With Depression

Depression is often described as a persistent feeling of sadness or loss of interest in activities that used to bring joy. It is a very common mental health disorder, affecting over three million people in the United States, which can Read More ›

Depression and Addiction Recovery

When two disorders occur at the same time, it’s referred to as comorbidity, dual diagnosis, or co-occurring disorders. Each person’s experience with this is different and, because of this, it can be hard to tell which disorder actually came first. Read More ›

Suicide Prevention Measures and the Media

Note: If you are experiencing suicidal thoughts, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. Your life matters. Each year, millions of people across the world die by suicide, and it’s tragic. While many people don’t realize it, what Read More ›

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