Cognitive behavioral therapy is a common approach to addressing a wide array of different therapeutic subjects. However, it is still important to understand what it is to make the most out of this approach and understand how it fits into… Read More ›
Category: News
Why Finding the RIGHT Support is Imperative After Betrayal

by Kristin Snowden, LMFT Originally published on, January 3, 2020 Experiencing betrayal at the hands of someone you love and trust can be the most debilitating experience in your life. This is best explained with the theory of betrayal… Read More ›
The Link Between Social Media and Mental Health

Look around and you’ll notice that social media is at every turn. Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest newsfeeds flood our screens and our minds as we move through each day. While social media can be a compelling tool for radical movements,… Read More ›
The Defining Line Between Mood Disorders and Personality Disorders

Although commonly confused, mood disorders and personality disorders are inherently different. While some symptoms may overlap, each diagnosis has its unique characteristics, therefore requiring specific treatment. If you or a loved one have recently been diagnosed with one of these,… Read More ›
Changing the Discussion on Mental Illness

Mental illness has many stigmas attached to it that often cause people to hide their experience. Words like “crazy”, “psycho”, and “weird” can be offensive and create feelings of shame in those that are silently suffering from a mental health… Read More ›
What You Need to Know About Narcissism

Narcissism doesn’t have the best reputation. When people talk about this term, they tend to associate it with the idea of someone being completely self-absorbed or self-focused, displaying little regard for others. While one form of narcissism may present this… Read More ›
Suicide Prevention Measures and the Media

Note: If you are experiencing suicidal thoughts, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. Your life matters. Each year, millions of people across the world die by suicide, and it’s tragic. While many people don’t realize it, what… Read More ›
Teens and Addiction

Addiction impacts people of all ages. However, teenagers are at a higher risk due to their mental, physical and spiritual vulnerability. People who battle with addiction experience harsh consequences, sometimes for many years after working towards sobriety. Some of these… Read More ›
The Positives to Mental Illness

Many people experience a mental illness each year and, while a diagnosis may seem frightening or saddening, there are many ways to hold a light to mental illness to see what good it does for us. Conversations surrounding mental illness… Read More ›
Obsessions and OCD

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is experienced by many adults – and children – throughout the United States. OCD is considered a mental health disorder that includes obsessions (unwanted thoughts) and compulsions (repeated actions). Oftentimes, television shows try to depict OCD… Read More ›
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