Mental Health Treatment

Mental Health Patient at Avalon Malibu

Luxury Mental Health Treatment

Suffering from a mental health disorder can leave you feeling as though you are the only one experiencing certain symptoms. On top of this, you might be unsure of where to turn for help or know about the resources available to you. At Avalon Malibu, we want you to know that you’re not alone. Mental health disorders affect adults and children of all ages and their onset can significantly impact mood, relationships and ways of thinking. That’s why we provide high-quality treatment options for a number of psychiatric conditions, helping clients receive the care they need to manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life.

When you join us at Avalon Malibu, one of the first steps we take is to evaluate your mental health. We believe that it can hold some responsibility for other problems you may be experiencing, such as addiction or co-occurring disorders. Not only do you receive a comprehensive diagnosis, but you will also gain the resources and support you need to find wholeness within yourself and in life.

What are Mental Health Disorders?

Mental health disorders are diagnosable medical conditions that interfere with an individual’s feelings, moods, thinking patterns, relationships and the ability to function normally on a day-to-day basis. Many people who suffer from a mental health disorder find it challenging to cope with the ordinary demands and responsibilities of everyday life, such as work, school, accomplishing tasks or relating to others.

Despite the difficulties they cause, mental health disorders are relatively common. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), nearly 45 million Americans lived with a diagnosed mental illness as of 2016. These disorders affect adults, teens, and children alike, ranging from anxiety and depression to obsessive-compulsive or bipolar disorders.

Some people who have mental health disorders can manage their illness with medication, while others require long-term therapy or more intensive methods to help them in day-to-day life. The good news is that treatment is available for all types of mental health disorders. With the right treatment that meets your particular needs, recovery and long-term management is possible.

What Do We Treat?

At Avalon Malibu, we treat a number of mental health disorders and related issues. We are one of the only residential treatment centers in California qualified to treat mental health and psychiatric illnesses where these concerns are the primary diagnosis. We focus on treating our mental health clients by teaching them ways to cope with daily life and helping them take control of their disorder. We also treat a number of other disorders and behavioral problems, such as addiction, eating disorders and dual diagnoses (e.g., co-occurring depression and substance abuse). Unlike other treatment centers, we also view mental health disorders as a primary diagnosis for addiction. While many other treatment centers will attempt to treat addiction on a surface level, our therapists assess the underlying mental health issues that might be contributing to your current condition.

Mental Health Treatment at Avalon Malibu

Mental health disorders affect individuals from all walks of life, but still come with a stigma. People don’t like to talk about their mental health and may feel ashamed or unwilling to admit that they need help. At Avalon Malibu, we know that you are more than your mental illness and are strong enough to find ways to take control of your mind, instead of letting it control you. We use a variety of therapeutic treatments that will give you the tools you need to live your day-to-day life without feeling hindered by mental health symptoms. We focus on healing your whole self, both physically and mentally, so that you have all the confidence you need when you leave our programs.

Our mental health treatment facility, The Grand House, is a tranquil, comforting environment on waterfront property in beautiful Malibu, California. When you seek treatment with us, you can let the calming sound of the waves, the fresh ocean air and the privacy of our luxury accommodations relax you as you find your way back to health. Our expert treatment staff are always accessible and our on-site programs will make your journey to recovery as easy as possible. We offer a range of effective therapies, including group therapy, individual therapy, family workshops, nutritional counseling and holistic treatments to help you find a balance of options that work for you.

How Mental Health and Addicted are Related

Sometimes, mental health disorders are misdiagnosed or left untreated. We all experience different moods on a regular basis and usually don’t attribute them to any form of instability, so it can be difficult to detect when something is wrong. When mental health problems do occur, symptoms may appear suddenly or gradually, making it hard to identify a specific cause or reason. This can make psychiatric disorders difficult to recognize and cause many people to leave them undiagnosed, and therefore untreated.

When mental health disorders are left untreated, some individuals find their own ways to cope with their symptoms, such as “self-medicating” with drugs and alcohol. This includes both illicit drugs like cocaine or heroin, as well as prescription medications designed to address a particular illness or disorder. While abusing these substances may provide temporary relief from a variety of symptoms, long-term use may lead to addiction and physical dependence.

Long-term substance abuse can also lead to or exacerbate mental health problems by drastically altering brain chemistry. When the body becomes accustomed to functioning with an intoxicant in its system, the brain starts to operate differently than it did before. This change in brain chemistry can trigger the onset of depression, anxiety or compulsive disorders in those who may not have had them before or worsen the symptoms of existing conditions.

For these reasons, it is not uncommon for someone to experience co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders, otherwise known as a dual diagnosis. For those with co-occurring diagnoses to fully recover and go on to live a fulfilled life, it is vital to heal the underlying issues that lead to more significant problems. Generally, this starts with the treatment of mental health disorders and leads to care for drug and alcohol abuse.

At Avalon Malibu, we know how essential it is to seek treatment for both diagnoses at once. Our facility is licensed to treat both mental and substance use disorders, giving you the resources you need to find sobriety for life and remain motivated to improve your self-confidence. Our team of specialists is here to get to know you and understand your unique needs, which will allow them to design a treatment plan addressing your mental health and substance abuse concerns in a way that you can appreciate and value. When you receive treatment for everything that is ailing you, you will be much better equipped to stay on your path of recovery for the rest of your life.

Contact Avalon Malibu

If you believe that you or your loved one would benefit from a mental health disorder treatment program, don’t hesitate to seek help. Sustainable therapies like the ones we offer at Avalon Malibu can make a lasting difference in your life, even if you have not been able to manage your disorder with other treatments. We approach every client as an individual, understanding their story and their illness on a personal level to provide what each person needs to heal. To learn more about the mental health treatment programs we offer in Malibu, California, we invite you to contact us as soon as you are ready to begin your recovery. Call Avalon Malibu today at 1-844-579-7645 to find out if our programs might be right for you. Our helpful staff is ready to help you find lifelong recovery.

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