Understanding Bipolar Disorder

Understanding Bipolar

Can you recall a moment today, yesterday, or a time from the past where you felt pretty satisfied one minute and then suddenly, before you knew it, you started feeling very agitated? Sometimes it happens in the blink of an eye.

This change in feelings can happen for many reasons – an adjustment in the chemical balance of your brain, the fact that you were tired or hungry, or maybe even a situation or memory that triggered it. When it happens, these changes are called mood swings – often defined as rapid and extreme fluctuations in mood, alternating between feelings of happiness and feelings of anger, agitation, or depression. Everyone experiences mood swings, but people with bipolar disorder may experience them a bit more frequently and more intensely than others.

What Bipolar Disorder Feels Like

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that is often misunderstood. The more you learn about this disorder – and the many facets that can make up a person’s experience with it – the more compassion you may feel for those who are battling it.

People with bipolar disorder may experience mania, which is a period of time in which a person feels “on top of the world” – happy, elated, energized, and generally doesn’t feel a need for a lot of sleep. Some may even say that they enjoy mania because everything feels right, and their good mood leaves them feeling invincible.

Mania isn’t always positive, however. Some individuals with bipolar disorder find mania to be very frightening, especially if they feel “out of control” or impulsive. Mania may also cause a person to experience racing thoughts, which can often keep them up at night.

The Depressive Side of Bipolar Disorder

The depressive side of bipolar disorder can cause a person to feel the complete opposite of mania. They may feel hopeless and exhausted, with no desire to get out of bed. They may also have trouble taking care of themselves, managing tasks at work or school, or maintaining relationships.
Depression can cause a person with bipolar disorder to feel completely isolated and may cause them to have suicidal thoughts. Sadly, many with bipolar disorder struggle with self-harm and isolation, as the mood swings can be difficult to manage – especially without treatment.

You Are Not Alone

Bipolar disorder is not rare. In fact, 2.8 percent of U.S. adults – or about 5 million people – have it. The average age when people with bipolar disorder begin to show symptoms is 25 years old.

If you have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and are ready to seek help, speak with a professional from Avalon Malibu today.
Avalon Malibu is a world-renowned mental health and substance abuse recovery center. Our team of experienced therapists can provide the guidance and resources needed for all grades of bipolar disorder treatment. If you or a loved one is suffering from the difficulties of living with bipolar disorder, call us today at (844) 857-5992 to begin the healing process and take control of your life again.

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