Throughout your recovery, you’re going to find that there will always be something new to learn about yourself and what works/doesn’t work for your healing journey. Luckily, you’ll meet a lot of people during your treatment at Avalon Malibu who… Read More ›
Tag: sugar
Mistakes in Recovery
Recovery is a difficult road to process without proper support. In addition to this, it can be incredibly difficult to thrive and succeed in recovery when there are so many resources and so much knowledge out there that we’re not… Read More ›
Does Sugar Have An Effect On Depression?
Scientific Reports recently reported on the effect that sugar has on depression. 8,000 adults were followed for two decades plus, 22 years total, following men specifically. Researchers found that high quantities of sugar in the diet, a whopping 67 grams… Read More ›
How Everyday Sugar Contributes To Poor Health
Check the labels all you want, you’ll rarely see the word “sugar”. Today, sugar and its analogous compounds run under 61 different names, making their way into over 70% of all processed and packaged foods. Humans are supposed to consume,… Read More ›