In today’s blog, we’re going to be talking about polysubstance use and mental health. This is an incredibly important topic and it may be triggering to some. If you’re currently looking for treatment options, consider Avalon Malibu. At Avalon Malibu,… Read More ›
Tag: substance abuse
Motivate Your Recovery With MET

Motivational enhancement therapy (MET) may be the approach needed to help kickstart sobriety. This counseling method will help increase a person’s motivation to choose recovery and begin rehabilitation. Discover the main principles of MET, how it differs from other therapy… Read More ›
Academic Stress and Substance Abuse

The school year comes packed with numerous stresses, and as the semester continues marching forward, these stresses can become more and more prevalent. Tests, quizzes, and one’s own academic goals can cause a great deal of anxiety, with many students… Read More ›
How to Rebuild Broken Trust in Relationships After Substance Abuse

The pain of watching a loved one cycle in and out of drug abuse, lying, and treatment is highly draining for a loved one to endure. Watching their trust in you and your word diminish over time damages the relationship.… Read More ›
Using Self-Hypnosis in Recovery

You don’t have to rely on seeing your therapist experience the benefits of hypnosis. By practicing self-hypnosis, you can improve your behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs about yourself and your success in recovery. Learning how to use self-hypnosis as a tool… Read More ›
 Why the LGBTQ Community Has Higher Rates of Substance Abuse

What makes substance abuse so rampant within the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer or questioning (LGBTQ) community? Statistically speaking, LGBTQ adults are known to be nearly twice as likely to have a substance abuse disorder than heterosexuals, so it… Read More ›
Eating to Support Your Liver After Substance Abuse

One of the organs that is most affected by drug and/or alcohol abuse is the liver. After years of excessive drinking or abusing drugs, the liver has had to work relentlessly to rid the body of these toxic substances and… Read More ›
How To Benefit From a 12-Step Program if You Aren’t Religious

A widely-held belief is that 12-Step programs are religious in nature, and if you are an atheist or agnostic who wishes to participate, then good luck. This is not the case and is a common misconception people have. An important… Read More ›
What it Means to Commit to Recovery

Recovery is a transformative experience where each person can set future goals and discover new practices that can lead to a new, sober lifestyle. However, recovery is challenging and requires a great deal of commitment. Nothing about overcoming an addiction… Read More ›
Rewrite Your Story and Let Go of Self-Limiting Beliefs in Addiction Recovery

The stories we tell ourselves about who we are and what we can or cannot do determines our reality. The problem is, so many of these stories are rooted in beliefs learned from childhood when we lacked the proper understanding… Read More ›
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