Eating disorders are complex mental illnesses that impact all ages of the population worldwide. One of the several things that make recovering from an eating disorder so tricky is the stigma, shame, and stereotypes connected to them. This can often… Read More ›
Tag: stigma
Changing the Discussion on Mental Illness
Mental illness has many stigmas attached to it that often cause people to hide their experience. Words like “crazy”, “psycho”, and “weird” can be offensive and create feelings of shame in those that are silently suffering from a mental health… Read More ›
How Harmful Is Stigma Toward Mental Health?
Stigma comes from a lack of information. It’s more difficult to judge and stereotype something you have personal involvement with. Categorizing and characterizing people with mental illness is easier than taking the time… Read More ›
What It Will Take To Fight For Mental Health Care
Various acts that were signed into law during the previous administration took great strides for providing mental health care. As there is a shift in party and perspectives on health insurance, health care, and mental illness, we face a time… Read More ›
Do You Have Borderline Personality Disorder?
Borderline Personality Disorder is an overlooked mental health condition which can cause pain in relationships and everyday life for those who have it. 14 million Americans are reported to suffer from borderline personality disorder. Millions more are also likely to… Read More ›
Emotional Health Is As Important As Physical Health
“We cannot be silent about another threat to the emotional health of people. In addition to biological factors, psychological and environmental factors contribute to mental illness,” wrote a man by the name of Jeffrey Freedman in a letter to the… Read More ›
Do I Have to Live Recovery?
We see them everywhere. Meeting rooms of sober support groups, visiting treatment facilities, staff members at our various treatment centers- people really love being sober. They use AA sayings all day, they speak in recovery cliches, and they’re always talking… Read More ›