Eating disorders are psychological disorders that can affect your mind and body in various ways. At Avalon Malibu, we know there are many myths and stigmas surrounding the topic of eating disorders. Unfortunately, many people are unaware of how dangerous… Read More ›
Tag: eating
Forging a Healthier Relationship With Food

Contrary to popular belief, a person does not develop an eating disorder because they are weak or have no self-control. Instead, an eating disorder is a mental health condition that factors such as genetics or trauma can cause. An individual’s… Read More ›
The Biology Behind the Binge-Restrict Cycle

If you have ever gone on a diet or struggled with an eating disorder, disordered eating, or negative body image, you end up binge-eating, telling yourself you will start over tomorrow only to have the same experience a few days… Read More ›
How Negative Emotions are Tied to Eating

Have you ever felt incredibly angry, lonely, depressed, or frustrated? Has this feeling ever occurred while you were in the middle of lunch, dinner, or when you were about to have a snack to keep you going throughout the day?… Read More ›
New Research Proves Bulimia Causes Change In Brain Function

You’re hungry, so you eat. You eat until you are full and then you stop. Sometimes, you might eat a little more than you really should. Feeling full, you might lament about the mistake you made eating so much… Read More ›
Can You Eat Food Cooked with Alcohol

Alcohol is a cooking ingredient for many recipes. Seasoned chefs and home cooks who come to recovery have often put too much alcohol in themselves rather than the food they were cooking it with. For them, and any home cook… Read More ›
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