Month: April 2016

Highest Standards, Nationally Recognized:

Understanding the Effects of Ketamine


Ketamine is a hospital-grade anesthetic used by doctors and veterinarians that has gained popularity since the 1980s as a “club drug” for its psychedelic, euphoric effects, particularly in the club and rave scene. Ketamine abuse is a serious issue in Read More ›

Natural Detox Methods

smiling woman at vegetable stand

The first step in overcoming an addiction to drugs or alcohol is to break any chemical dependency. To accomplish this, individuals dealing with addiction must go through a detoxification process. Detox is the process of abstaining from use so the Read More ›

Celebrities and Heroin Addiction

Robert Downey Jr

Heroin addiction is a widespread problem in the United States; according to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, about 669,000 American adults have used heroin in the past year. Most of these cases of drug abuse don’t make Read More ›

Using Apps for Mental Health

Apps for Mental Health

With over 190 million smartphone users in the United States, it is no wonder that developers are feverishly working to create the next app that everyone has to have. Some of the more popular apps are designed to help users Read More ›

Injection Rooms: A Safer Approach?

hands gripping doorhandle

Many countries are moving away from a “war on drugs” approach to fighting substance abuse and addiction. Ireland intends to join the ranks of several other countries who have decriminalized low-level drug possession; in an even bolder move, the country Read More ›

Attachment Disorders and Addiction

man holding face

Without fail, people seeking treatment for addiction or mental illness come with a common problem: they have all suffered from a lack of adequate bonding or attachment with other human beings, especially in their early childhood. In other words, they Read More ›

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