Month: December 2015

Highest Standards, Nationally Recognized:

Social Anxiety and Introversion: How They Relate

Social Anxiety and Introversion: How They Relate

Social Anxiety and Introversion are commonly considered to be roughly the same thing, but introversion and social anxiety are not the same thing. Although they may co-exist. Introversion is largely a personality trait, while social anxiety is a mental health issue. Both introverts and extroverts can suffer from social anxiety. Read More ›

The Risks of Mixing Substances

friends concerned for friend with head in hands

Mixing drugs is a common activity among people who suffer from addiction. When tolerance for a drug increases, it becomes harder and harder to achieve the desired effects; adding another substance to the mix becomes a way to get the Read More ›

California’s Proposition 47: Prevention vs. Punishment

Stand For Change signs

In late 2014, California voters adopted Proposition 47, a landmark bill that impacted the sentencing of drug-related offenses. This new legislation reclassified drug possession and several other non-violent offenses from felonies to misdemeanors. It’s been estimated that Proposition 47 could Read More ›

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