What is the Most Common Eating Disorder?

binge eating disorder

Eating disorders are finally being given the attention they deserve in the media for both men and women. Once reserved for the deathly ill, eating disorder treatment has broadened its horizon. Most treatment centers offer treatment services for eating disorders as co-occurring disorders with substance use disorders or other mental health disorders.

Binge eating disorder has become a nationally known eating disorder as research, celebrities, and treatment centers have come forward about its presence. Recently, Harvard University Medical School conducted what is being called the first national census of eating disorders. The survey found that binge eating disorder is the leading eating disorder compared to anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.

  • 3.5% of women and 2% of men suffer from binge eating disorder
  • 1% or less of women and 0.3% of men were diagnosed with anorexia nervosa
  • 1.5% of women and 0.5% of men were diagnosed with bulimia nervosa

Symptoms Of Binge Eating Disorder

Binge eating is characterized by episodes of eating to excess, despite intention. Markedly, one experiences severe feelings of guilt, remorse, and shame, after their binging episode. Yet, they feel unable to stop themselves from the binge or stop themselves during the binge. One doctor of the study compared this to the peculiar phenomena of alcoholism. An alcoholic might set out with the intention of drinking only one drink but will end up drinking enough to pass out, without realizing what has happened. Despite realizing that one drink starts the whole trend, the alcoholic consumes it anyway. Such is the case with binge eating. One serving of a triggering food can start the need to consume excessively. Often, one ends up feeling overstuffed and even sick. What separates binge eating disorder from other eating disorders is that there is no purging involved. Someone with binge eating disorder will not induce vomiting, restrict their diet, starve themselves, or exercise excessively in order to compensate for the amount of food they ate. Symptoms include:

  • Secretive eating
  • Eating late at night
  • Social withdrawal and isolation
  • Feelings of guilt, remorse, and fear when eating
  • Eating beyond control
  • Eating when full and not hungry
  • Depression or anxiety regarding food

Avalon By The Sea offers a comprehensive eating disorder program focusing on holistic healing for mind, body, and spirit. Our program guides those with eating disorders back to a healthy and balanced lifestyle while illuminating the underlying inspirations for developing binge eating disorder. For a private consultation or more information on our residential treatment programs, call 1 888-958-7511.

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