What Is Walking Depression?

depressed anxious man

Walking depression is not a clinical term, but it aptly describes an in between phase of depression. Mental health disorders can be high functioning. Just because someone doesn’t look like they have a mental health disorder or act like they have a mental health disorder doesn’t mean they don’t have a mental health disorder. Upon learning a friend or loved one is struggling with a mental health disorder like depression, friends often have a comment to make. “You act so happy!” “You do so great in your job!” “You would never know!”. While meant to be supportive these comments can be damaging. Mental illness comes with a tremendous stigma attached to it. Some people are high functioning in their depression so that it isn’t noticed by other people. Stigma creates shame which leads many to hide their suffering. As a result, they continue to suffer without the proper psychological and pharmaceutical care.

Negative Impact on Life

Creativity Coach Alison Gresik writes that while someone is functioning well and taking care on the outside, “we’re doing it all while profoundly unhappy. Depression is negatively impacting our lives and relationships and impairing our abilities. Our depression may not be completely disabling, but it’s real.” Gresik cites these 8 signs as being indicators of a “walking” depression:

  1. Not being able to find anything fun or something to look forward to
  2. You feel unproductive and what you do produce does not feel meaningful
  3. You have low energy and find it difficult to accomplish simple tasks
  4. Mornings feel terrible and stressful but nighttime feels hopeful and invigorating
  5. You have a bone to pick with everyone around you who seems happier than you.
  6. Shame is the name of the game for getting you into action; instead of encouraging yourself positively, you discourage yourself “postivitalyu
  7. You isolate from others instead of connecting and having meaningful conversations
  8. Your needs are confused and you find yourself often ignoring the signs of what you need.

If you are concerned you or a loved one are living with troubling symptoms of depression which may be interfering with quality of life, call Avalon By The Sea today. We provide one of California’s ony mental health treatment centers serving mental health as a primary diagnosis. For a private consultation or more information, call 1 888-958-7511.

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