What Are Co-occurring Disorders?


Research suggests that both acute and prolonged use of drugs can affect a person’s brain responses. Some substances can exacerbate an already existing mental disorder. For instance, in people with a genetic disposition towards psychosis, using marijuana increases the chance of experiencing a state of psychosis. Marijuana is often viewed as a less destructive drug and has become increasingly more socially acceptable. However, there are implications of severe side-effects of marijuana use and mental health disorders.

Diagnosing co-occurring substance abuse and mental health disorders can be difficult. The symptoms can often mimic each other, and providing treatment can be challenging. It is crucial to find a tailored treatment when dealing with co-occurring disorders. Many facilities offer inpatient treatment, which may be essential to treating mental health and substance use disorder (SUD). The great attention that inpatient provides is beneficial in treating co-occurring conditions. The best practice is to treat both disorders simultaneously. Treating them separately can be arduous, and one condition may take precedence over the other. When mental health is treated with SUD, relapse decreases due to awareness of mental health triggers.

SUD and mental health disorders go hand in hand. You may be dealing with co-occurring conditions without realizing it. Some substances only exacerbate mental unwellness, and mental health may lead to drug use. A treatment program can address any mental health issues to provide the most effective care. Most recovery treatment models can be tailored to meet a person’s needs, and the addition of mental health counseling can only be positive in the long run. It is essential to research facilities before deciding to ensure they have the tools and resources to deal with co-occurring disorders.


It’s essential to be aware of how your mental state can affect any aspect of your life. For those dealing with substance abuse issues, mental health is of utmost importance. An undiagnosed mental health disorder can influence a substance use issue. Substance use disorder can also lead to mental health disorders, including anxiety and depression. Without treating both co-occurring conditions, recovery may not be sustainable. At Avalon Malibu, our staff is trained to treat multiple mental health disorders that may be accompanied by drug use. We believe in unconditional regard and will meet you where you are, not where you think you should be. Our facility helps motivate the unmotivated and can succeed where other programs have failed. If you or a loved might suffer from co-occurring disorders, call us today at (844) 857-5992. Our treatments are tailor-fit to suit the individual’s needs and ensure success in living healthier lives.

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