Starting the 12 Steps This January

looking ahead

12 months in a year. 12 steps in the 12 step program. Coincidence? In the beginning of Alcoholics Anonymous, meetings were held for newcomers to the program called “beginners meetings”. The point of the beginner’s meetings was to get the newcomers through the 12 step program as quickly and efficiently as possible. In a matter of just 5 weeks, the beginners meetings took new participants through all of the steps. After completing taking the steps, they received a card. Once upon a time there was such a thing as being a card carrying member of AA. Beginner’s meetings were helpful in helping someone have the necessary psychic change through a spiritual awakening advocated through the steps. Having had this spiritual awakening, they were ready to join other alcoholics in recovery at regular meetings. Completing the steps was critical to the development of the alcoholic in recovery.

Getting Started

The steps are not episodic, nor are they meant to be. Even though you finish the twelve steps, you should never stop living them, learning from them, or practicing them. Alcoholics Anonymous and other twelve step fellowships support practicing the principles of the twelve steps in all of one’s affairs. Additionally, some of the steps are meant to be practiced on a daily basis. Many continue their work with the twelve steps by working them all year long. Starting with the first month of January, they spend time deeply investigating and working the step. Fully embracing the meaning of each step, they can watch their lives be transformed from the beginning of the year to the end.

New Year, New You

A fresh new year is a fresh start, which is why many people make resolutions. Recovery teaches us that every moment is an opportunity to start fresh. All we have to do is apply the steps. We can embrace step one at any time- recognizing that a problem in our lives is our of our control. We are always able to recognize that there is a power greater than ourselves in whom we can continuously restore our faith. Through practicing the tenth step, we can recognize when we are acting on our faults rather than our strengths. Prayer and meditation have become a natural part of our lives. We seek opportunities to be of service to others and humbly carry the message of how recovery has saved and changed our lives.

Avalon By The Sea knows there is great healing found in the twelve step program. We incorporate twelve step philosophy and practice into our program to help our residents heal mind, body, and spirit. For a confidential assessment or more information on our programs of treatment, call 1 888-958-7511.

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