Residential Treatment 

Despite the fact that addiction and substance abuse can take years to develop and to become severe, many people expect that recovery will be a quick fix. Nobody wants to really go through all of the pain and discomfort that are often associated with detoxification and becoming used to a life of sobriety – and if you were to ask most people in addiction recovery, they’d probably snap their fingers to make it happen if they could. Unfortunately, it doesn’t quite work that way – and, technically speaking, the greater the effort you put towards your recovery, the more rewarding your journey will be in the long run. Long-term residential treatment programs are incredibly beneficial because they give us the time, space, resources, and support that we need to develop a life in recovery – and if you’re looking for an in-depth program that is tailored to your needs, a residential program at Avalon Malibu could be a great option for you. 

Long-term, residential treatment programs tend to take more time than people realize because it takes time to undo the damage that addiction has caused; residential programs take approximately 6-12 months total and require that clients live in a comfortable, home-like environment during this time. Clients who choose this option won’t even need to drive to treatment because their treatment will take place near their living facility. Meals are provided and around-the-clock care is also provided to ensure that clients feel stable throughout the duration of their stay.

Those in long-term treatment programs have sincere mental, physical and spiritual needs and because the treatment program at Avalon Malibu is incredibly comprehensive, clients who choose this option will be supported throughout their time in the program and beyond. Long-term residential treatment programs provide stable housing, which involves staying in a comfortable room designed for optimum healing and restoration. Nutrition management also becomes a major part of the program, with vitamins and minerals needed to replenish the mind and body; in cases of medical supervision and other addiction-related concerns, there is 24/7 support for individuals in recovery. Both individual and group sessions are held to help foster thinking and personal development, and a person can become involved in a variety of holistic recovery-related activities, such as equine therapy, music therapy, art therapy, massage therapy and much more. Every client has their own unique needs, and that is why residential treatment should be personalized to the individual.

Previous sources have interviewed people in addiction recovery to learn more about the problems they face, the obstacles they’ve had to overcome, as well as advice they have for others in seeking out treatment. A common consensus amongst those in addiction recovery is that if you think you have a problem – be it an addiction with alcohol, drugs or other substances – you probably do. Many people let their fear and denial of their issues get in the way of breaking through and seeking help, and this is what holds people back from living a sober, healthy life.  

Residential treatment often provides a pathway for clients to find themselves, their purpose and their path in sobriety. In this type of treatment program, it’s typical for a person to follow a strict “routine” that’s set – and there may be rules (such as no technology) to follow too, depending on where you go. These routines often try to help a person go to sleep by a certain time, wake up at a specific time, and attend various recovery-related ventures throughout the day so they can become used to getting involved in different components of treatment. 

Residential treatment programs are extremely beneficial for people who don’t have solid support systems at home or who don’t have a stable home environment where they can practice sobriety and be positively reinforced in doing it. Individuals who struggle with severe addiction often find that residential treatment programs are better for them because they’re able to be monitored more closely, and they can receive more guidance in daily living habits for sobriety. Those who are able to make arrangements for other responsibilities such as work projects, children, household duties and more find that residential treatment is most conducive to their healing.

Residential treatment programs often have different phases, and each phase holds different levels of activity and expectations; in addition to this, a person may find that aspects of residential treatment aid in getting them back into daily life such as job-seeking assistance, volunteer opportunities to make new friends and develop skills, after-care support, alumni services and more.

If you’re ready to take charge of your life and overcome addiction, speak with a professional from Avalon Malibu today. There’s an entire team of people here ready to support you – and the residential treatment programs provided allow enough support and resources for a person to become stronger in living a life of sobriety.

Avalon Malibu is a world-renowned, California state-licensed mental health and substance abuse recovery center. If you are ready to seek treatment to develop the tools you need to overcome life’s obstacles and be on the road towards happiness, health, and well-being, call us today at 844-857-5992 for a consultation. It’s never too late, and there are people here ready to help you.

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