Tips for Recovery Using Evidence-Based Self-Care

Tips for Recovery Using Evidence-Based Self-Care

Self-care is very important in recovering from addiction. Self-care does not replace clinical treatment, it promotes motivation for a successful recovery. While caught in the throes of addiction, we neglect ourselves. The simplest changes can be stepping stones towards success. Many issues arise when dealing with addiction, whether physical or psychological, and taking care of these issues is one way to begin living a new, healthier lifestyle.

Physical and Mental Improvements

Many addictive drugs can cause long-term physical damage, such as heart problems, kidney disease, and liver disease, among others. These types of physical issues can affect motivation for recovery. Illnesses that cause a lot of pain or discomfort can steer the mindset from recovery towards harmful behaviors. Seeking treatment for illnesses that may be associated with addiction is a move in a positive direction.

Many psychological issues develop from addiction. Many people report feeling anxiety, depression, or even suicidal ideations. It is important to seek emergency medical treatment if the idea of suicide arises. Seeking long-term therapy for mental traumas from addiction, as well as the recovery process itself, are both incredibly important.

Many treatment processes involve group therapy. It is a good motivation towards recovery to know that you are not alone in the struggle for success. Avoid self-judgment in your recovery. Maintaining a positive mindset is crucial for success, and self-judgment can be depressive and demoralizing. You deserve recovery and you deserve success.

Lifestyle Changes

Practicing mindfulness can also help aid in recovery. The practice of mindfulness is focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, as a therapeutic technique. Becoming aware of the behaviors or patterns which help us maintain sobriety is an easy step towards success. It also aids in the aim of living a completely different lifestyle.

Finding new hobbies is a great form of self-care. It can be viewed in the same way as mindfulness, and it helps reduce stress. Some people find hobbies that can be therapeutic. Many martial arts are considered therapeutic because they provide physical exercise but they also provide a time for reflection and meditation. Your hobbies can be creative, too. According to a 2016 study titled “Everyday creative activity as a path to flourishing,” engaging in creative activities promotes a sense of well-being that lasts into the next day and can lead to an upward spiral of well-being and stress reduction.

You may even find that your peer group is changing. This is important, though, and while it is hard to lose relationships, in the long run, it will be healthy. Surround yourself with people who support your recovery and who are not judgmental. Be mindful of those who make you feel uneasy or may seem toxic to your process of recovery. It is okay to break away from toxic relationships.

Seeking employment can be helpful in motivation towards recovery. The feeling of independence is important for success. It may feel like you have been tethered to addiction and that lifestyle for too long. Showing yourself that you can be successful in a new, healthy lifestyle and gain meaningful financial support for yourself can lead to positive self-affirmation: “I can do this,” “I am doing a good job,” “I am succeeding.” Like physics says, objects in motion tend to stay in motion. The same goes for motivation and success.

Being Honest With Oneself

Recovery is a continuous process. It is vital to remember we may not always be successful immediately, we may not even meet the goals we thought we could, but setting those goals in the first place shows a commitment to your recovery and a commitment to yourself. Real change is hard, but worth it. Being honest with yourself about shortcomings is okay, but avoid being negative towards yourself. Admit you may not have accomplished something today and tell yourself you can do it tomorrow.

It’s also important, to be honest with yourself about the things you deserve. Real talk right now, you are worth more than your addiction. Whatever things you may feel a sense of guilt over do not disqualify you from deserving sobriety and wellness. Acceptance of reality is not taking responsibility or an agreement, it’s just an acknowledgment.

It is never too late for recovery, and everyone recovers at their own pace. Maintaining a healthy and sustainable sober lifestyle is most important. What helps you may not be the case with others. Don’t judge your recovery with that of others; it is another form of self-judgment. Be positive about the achievements you’ve made.

Self-care during recovery is vital to a successful process. Make healthy decisions and live a healthier lifestyle — it will help drive your motivation. Being mindful of yourself during the process is key. Take account of habits or peers that feel toxic; it is okay and important to let those go. You are the decider in your own life. Keeping yourself around people who are a positive influence is important, but you still have control over your own life.

It is paramount to remember that recovery is a whole new way of life. It may seem uncomfortable because it’s not what you’re used to. Practicing self-care to show that a new, healthier lifestyle is much more sustainable than addiction is a good way to stay motivated to continue recovery. It helps us see the light at the end of the tunnel. At Avalon Malibu, we take pride in our dedication to helping patients regain balance and a connection of their mind, body, and spirit. We offer a variety of programs designed to meet the needs of many different people. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff can work with you to create a personalized treatment plan that can provide you with the best chance of success in recovery.

If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction, please contact us today at (844) 857-5992 to learn more about our programs and how we can help.

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