What If My Partner Doesn’t Like My Recovery?

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Mental illness affects everyone. When you decide to go to treatment, everyone is going to affected by your recovery. Most often, the people who love and care about you the most will be over the moon by your decision to change your life. However, your partner might feel differently. We can’t be certain why the people we are in relationships have a difficult time embracing our recovery.

Here are some signs your partner might be uncomfortable with the strides you are making in recovery. Remember, how your partner handles your recovery has nothing to do with you. They are on their own journey. Sometimes, a partner will grow right alongside you. Sometimes, they won’t. If you notice these signs, it might be time to meet with your relationship counselor or evaluate how you want to be treated in a relationship as you grow forward in recovery.

  • They constantly minimize your accomplishments in recovery. Few people can understand the milestones of recovery like achieving 90 days sober or going two weeks without an eating disorder behavior, or even making it through a stressful situation without an anxiety attack. You’re not trying to toot your own horn, but you are learning to praise your accomplishments. Plus, you’re excited to bear witness to your own transformation. Unfortunately, your partner is not on board. You constantly hear comments which remind you that you’re “in recovery” and that doesn’t mean anything. It hurts your feelings and you don’t understand why they can’t be as excited as you are.
  • They aren’t up for the same adventures you are anymore. You came pretty close to living a life that wasn’t much of a life at all. Now that you’re in recovery, it feels as though the world is at your fingertips. You’re not afraid to go out and live life. Full of energy and inspiration, you want to take life for all that it is worth. Your partner, on the other hand, does not. They go out of their way to tell you how ridiculous your ideas are and maybe even try to diss your recovery by telling you that you’re only this way because you’re in recovery. Anytime they make your recovery a negative rather than a positive is a bad sign.

We already know you are amazing. Through our primary care treatment programs for mental health and substance abuse, we want to help you realize it for yourself. Avalon By The Sea provides trusted programs with trusted results. For a confidential assessment and more information on our residential treatment services, call us today at 1 888-958-7511.

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