What Are The Signs Of A Personality Disorder?

stress disorder patient

What Are The Signs Of A Personality Disorder?

There are ten distinct personality disorders which fall into three categories. Each personality disorder and category of personality disorders comes with a specific set of symptoms. Though the symptoms are specified, they can have general commonalities with each other, from one category to the next.

Cluster A Personality Disorders

Cluster A personality disorders are described as “odd”, “bizarre” or “eccentric” personality disorders. Included are:

  • Paranoid personality disorder
  • Schizoid personality disorder
  • Schizotypal personality disorder

Cluster B Personality Disorders

Cluster B personality disorders are described as “dramatic” and “erratic”. Included are:

Cluster C Personality Disorders

Cluster C personality disorders are described as “anxious” and “fearful”. Included are:

  • Avoidant personality disorder
  • Dependent personality disorder
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder

Not listed are depression, anxiety, panic, or bipolar disorder, among others. These common mental health conditions are mood disorders, not personality disorders. Read on for some of the ways you can investigate if a loved one might be struggling with a deeper issue than just their personality.

Signs Of A Personality Disorder

Paranoia: Sometimes, the paranoia one displays can be endearing. It’s almost cute how their childlike fright gets the best of them and causes them chronic worry. That is, until it isn’t cute and you realize that your loved one struggles not to be in fear all the time. They’re afraid of people, places, things, and events. Anything outside of them poses a threat. More importantly, they’re somewhat obsessive about finding a way to prove they’re right.

Isolation: There is a difference between self-care oriented along time, healthy introversion, and unhealthy isolation. Spending time alone and preferring to be alone is one thing. Avoiding any kind of social interaction, responsibility which includes other people, or developing any kind of relationship with others, might be a sign of something serious.

Disrespect: A lack of regard for other people, rules, norms, standards, and boundaries isn’t just defiance, ego, or rebellion. Instead, it might be a sign of a personality disorder.

Emptiness: Feeling empty is a common characterization of depression. Feeling so detached and low, someone with depression might feel as though they are empty. More typically, depression feels full of sadness, pain, even numbness. Emptiness could be the sign of a personality disorder which is rooted in abandonment issues or leaves someone unable to feel secure in who they are.

Self-Obsession: Whether they are the center of attention, don’t need any attention because of how well they get along with themselves (just ask), or are ignorantly all about themselves, unhealthy self-obsession could be the sign of unhealthy coping skills.

Personality disorders can be treated in a supportive and healing clinical environment. Avalon Malibu houses its primary mental health treatment facility on a beautiful estate, lush with nature and the sound of crashing waves from the ocean below. If you or a loved one are in need of healing, Avalon has programs you can trust. For a confidential assessment and more information, call 1 888-958-7511.

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