Staying Optimistic for a New Year Unlike Any Other


With the stroke of the clock on every midnight of New Year’s Eve, an exciting mix of unrealized possibilities and hopes rushes in for the new year ahead. The energy surrounding this coming year feels unquestionably different than in past New Year’s. With lockdowns and a pandemic still part of our everyday reality, 2021 at first glance looks like a year with seemingly grim circumstances to enter into. A small shift in perspective can reveal that this year holds unique opportunities.

 Use the Extra Time At Home to Work on Yourself

With the limitations COVID-19 has put on everyone’s lives, one thing that was not taken away is our ability to work at improving ourselves. There’s no better moment than now with this unique time of limited activity and mobility to invest in personal growth. Use this time to get honest about some of your bad habits that need breaking or addressing underlying feelings that are driving negative behavior. In the place of changing patterns of behavior that no longer serve you, find good self-care routines that help you relax, and foster positive self-regard. Using this time to get curious and explore the different healing modalities that you can easily do from home or behind a webcam like yoga, meditation, therapy, or support groups can allow you to grow and heal from your past.

 Stronger and More Experienced for What Lies Ahead

Since nothing went as scheduled for anyone in 2020, many lessons in patience and resilience were had by all. A massive amount of potential is stored in all of us from 2020 due to the stalled plans and dreams from 2020, but we can use this stored up energy like a slingshot for 2021. We enter into the new year on the other side of the learning curve of the once foreign masks, remote work, and zoom. Our online infrastructure for Tele-Health, 12-Step programs, and virtual support groups are properly in place for people to get the medical attention and support they need. The pandemic drew into focus the need for caring for our mental health and started a wider conversation about it for the masses. Whatever lies ahead for us in 2021, with the tools we learned in 2020 that we can further build upon, we can still achieve our dreams.

 This new year may look different than previous ones, but the opportunity for self-improvement is still available. If this New Year’s Eve you resolve to address a drug and/or alcohol addiction or other mental health concerns, consider calling us at Avalon Malibu. We use a range of integrative therapies in both inpatient and outpatient settings to find the right support the patient needs in their mental health or substance abuse recovery. Call us at (844) 857-5992 for the care you need.

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