Overcoming Childhood Trauma in Addiction Recovery

Childhood Trauma

When someone goes through a traumatic event, no two people will experience it in the same way. Their coping mechanisms will likely vary because they’re trying to do whatever it takes to move forward from being utterly shocked and terrified.

Healing from trauma is incredibly challenging because it can affect nearly every aspect of our lives – but if we work hard to recover from it, we may find that we’re stronger and more resilient than we realized. It’s not uncommon for people in addiction recovery to have some sort of childhood trauma in their past. Just because it happened doesn’t mean that healing isn’t possible. By learning more about what trauma is and how it can affect your life, you’ll be empowered to make healthier choices when it comes to treatment.

Childhood Trauma: A Common Situation

Each year, millions of children are exposed to traumatic circumstances. While this reality is devastating, the best we can do as a society is to help reduce these traumatic incidents from happening. We can also provide as much support as possible for those who live through them.

Common examples of childhood trauma include:

  • Physical, sexual and verbal abuse
  • Physical and emotional neglect
  • A parent who’s an alcoholic
  • Witnessing a mother who experiences abuse
  • Losing a parent to abandonment or divorce
  • A family member in jail

It’s not uncommon for the lingering effects of childhood trauma to remain long into adulthood. In many cases, these painful thoughts, feelings, and memories come back when the person in recovery can no longer numb them with drugs or alcohol. Because of the wide prevalence of childhood trauma, it’s crucial that a trauma-informed care plan is created for recovery – and that’s something that Avalon Malibu is very serious about implementing.

Trauma-Informed Care

When treatment is trauma-informed, it provides specific interventions that may be related to assessment, treatment, or even recovery support services. This type of treatment also involves key principles that are meant to include everyone, no matter what their experiences may be.

At Avalon Malibu, we uphold trauma-informed care in the following ways:

  • We try to provide clear explanations for everything we do with assessments so that our clients feel comfortable and confident moving forward.
  • We work to allow greater collaboration and participation of loved ones in the treatment process so that everyone in treatment is lifted up to the best of their abilities.
  • We allow the individual to guide us in the direction of what they need by providing us with more information about themselves and their preferences.
  • We work with clients and promote a culture of open communication, rather than simply telling them what to do.

Traumatic childhood experiences can often be linked to and explored through a number of treatment modalities, but it’s up to the person to seek out these services. The sooner someone seeks help for childhood trauma, the sooner they can begin to work towards healing.

Pursuing Recovery

There are many incredibly effective treatment techniques that can be used for the variety of symptoms that often follow childhood trauma, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and others. Many people who lived through childhood trauma feel “out of control,” “lost,” or even “confused” about the direction of their lives. The right treatment approaches can help mend these gaps so that a person grows for the better.

Rather than simply treating addiction, Avalon Malibu prefers to take a holistic approach that addresses the mind, body, and spirit. There are many treatment methods that can work together to improve outcomes, such as meditation, yoga, massage therapy, chiropractic services, art therapy, nature therapy, and more. Medication may be part of a person’s recovery plan as well – in many instances, medication is simply one of many different services that are used together to help a person get where they need to be.

If childhood trauma isn’t treated early enough, a number of emotional issues can arise – which can later perpetuate further substance abuse issues, work-related problems, difficulties with relationships, and more. No matter what your treatment regime holds, a comprehensive assessment can help you determine which paths may be most conducive for you.

First and foremost, it’s up to you to begin taking that step forward so you can focus on your healing and recovery. Once you begin incorporating these treatment regimes into your daily life, you’ll find that you are much better equipped to work through any trauma that has held you back in the past.

It’s Time to Seek Help

Childhood trauma does not have to define you – you’re stronger than you realize. The symptoms that you’ve been experiencing may feel shocking and overwhelming, but they can be temporary if you start working on recovery today. If you’re ready to begin pushing past whatever has been holding you back all of these years, speak with a professional from Avalon Malibu today. It’s never too late to seek the help you need.

Avalon Malibu is a world-renowned mental health and substance abuse recovery center. If you are ready to seek treatment to develop the tools you need to overcome life’s obstacles and be on the road towards happiness, health, and well-being, call us today at (844) 857-5992 for a consultation. There are people here who care, and we are ready to help you heal from the trauma you experienced.

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