Integrative Care 

There are so many different factors that contribute to who we are as human beings. Each one of us has a unique background, family and medical history, interests and skill set, thought process, and much more. Unfortunately, many treatment programs don’t address all of these other factors that are vital in a person’s recovery. While it can be helpful to hone in on detoxification, for example, there are some pieces that often aren’t recognized as important. These overlooked areas of emphasis could make a huge difference in someone’s recovery. Integrative care is more a personal approach that takes into consideration the many aspects of a person’s health that would need to receive attention in order for them to thrive in recovery.

Defining Integrative Care

Integrative care combines both primary health care and mental health. Below are some sources which explain exactly why integrative care is so critical: 

  • Primary care settings (such as the doctor’s office), typically ends up providing half of all mental healthcare for some pretty common psychiatric illnesses
  • Adults with serious mental illnesses and substance use disorders (SUDs) often have higher rates of physical ailments, which means they may not live as long
  • People battling with physical health issues are also likely to be battling mental health issues alongside it

Since physical and mental health concerns often coincide, it makes sense to help treat them both.

When individuals are provided with care for virtually every area of their life, they’re less likely to feel isolated and more likely to see the “light” that becoming involved in the community can bring. Rather than feeling as though they must solve problems on their own, they’re able to use their team to navigate challenging issues of daily life. Having this team supporting them can be freeing.

Integrative care can have three major effects on recovery:

  1. The story of suffering:  After having received sufficient care, it’s easier for those in recovery to recall times when they were struggling. This often influences the way they connect with others and share their story, which can make a huge difference.
  2. Growing:  People who receive this type of help often grow into feeling a greater sense of community.
  3. Self-care:  Tools for enhancing self-care is a major part of integrative care and allows people to help themselves in ways they never could before.

What Integrative Holistic Wellness Care Means for Recovery 

Whether you’ve been struggling with symptoms of mental illness, substance use disorder (SUD), or simply want to maintain your health and happiness potential, integrative care is what helps bring all the pieces together to ensure you have what you need. There are several types of treatment that could become integrated into recovery, such as: 

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT treatment): a treatment approach that helps people let go of unhealthy thought patterns, replacing them with newer, more positive ones
  • Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT treatment):  individuals who battle with “all or nothing” thinking find that this type of treatment helps them see things more clearly
  • Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR therapy):  an approach that involves bilateral eye movements, which can help those who’ve previously experienced trauma

 These forms of treatment are non-invasive and can provide you with some amazing benefits for navigating the challenges of daily life in and outside of recovery. Of course, there are many other activities that may benefit you to include in treatment like yoga, meditation, art therapy, music therapy, and many others. Integrative care isn’t about working against medication, it means working with it. A person is more likely to find fulfillment by integrating medication and other practices, such as holistic treatment modalities, into addiction recovery.  

As addiction recovery professionals have recognized just how powerful it can be in the lives of those recovering, integrative care has become more popular over the years. In fact, millions of people throughout the nation now practice meditation, yoga and other holistic practices. With so many different approaches that can be utilized, you have a wide range of options, as well as a wide range of benefits, to find what works best for you. 

At Avalon Malibu, integrated care is always a top priority. You’ll be much more able to focus on your wellbeing at Avalon Malibu because you’ll find that you’re better able to connect with the beauty of nature, while also being able to focus on healing and restoration. There are a variety of treatment options that can benefit you, so it’s important to speak with a professional from Avalon Malibu to see what type of treatment option would best suit your needs. Don’t wait any longer to begin this journey today.

Avalon Malibu is a world-renowned, California state-licensed mental health and substance abuse recovery center. If you are ready to seek treatment to develop the tools you need to overcome life’s obstacles and be on the road towards happiness, health, and well-being, call us today at 844-857-5992 for a consultation. There are people here ready to help you. It’s never too late to begin taking steps towards a happier, healthier life. 

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