How Family Members Can Support Themselves Through A Loved One’s Addiction

While the topic of addiction tends to revolve around loved ones who are battling with this dangerous disease, families have a foundation that can be significantly disrupted when a loved one is involved. Personally, family members tend to experience a rollercoaster of emotions that can affect the way the family functions as a system overall, and, if not resolved in a healthy manner, family members may break to the point of miscommunication and, ultimately, severed ties. If your family is currently in recovery from addiction, it will be long process – but with the right tools and resources from Avalon Malibu, you’ll be just fine.

Self-care is needed in order for a person to feel mentally, physically and spiritually fit. It is defined in deliberate actions, and truly depends on what a person feels they need to heal and recover. Family members – both individually and as a whole – need to be implementing self care on a daily basis and as soon as possible in order for the healing process to jumpstart; of course, self-care and healing truly take place when a person is personally ready for it. Family members who have hope, who practice healthy coping skills and who are ready to change tend to experience the greatest effects of healing in recovery. During this vulnerable time, family members can practice a range of other self-care activities, such as: 

  •       Journaling – journaling can bring boosted creativity, an enhanced ability for a person to reach their goals, it can serve as a board for them to write out their ideas or test out different theories, they may find clarity, greater balance, and even increased gratitude for their life and their loved ones. Journaling tends to help people find greater peace because they’re releasing what most people hold inside and they’re able to better work through it.
  •       Alone Time – by spending some time alone, family members can recollect their thoughts and relax, something that can be really hard to do with the chaos of addiction looming in the air.
  •       Exercise – A person’s physical health can improve, but their mental and physical health can also increase as they boost their happiness levels and their immune system.
  •       Connecting with others – family members in addiction recovery may feel as though nobody understands them, which is why 12-Step support groups such as Al-Anon may be very beneficial for healing.

Spirituality is an important force of healing when it comes to self-care for family members affected by addiction, especially since addiction can often cause people to feel hopeless and lost. Family members who’ve once placed trust in a loved one may quickly feel broken and disappointed when they come to realize that it was all addiction’s lies – and that’s why self-care and healing are so crucial.

There are so many spirituality-based practices that family members can become involved in both individually and together as a team, especially to enhance balance and harmony. For example, spending time in nature is a great way to reconnect with the world around. In addition to this, hugging a loved one can bring about a host of feelings that boost connection and togetherness. Listening to music that uplifts and inspires can be helpful, or even to listen to sad songs as a person grieves can be beneficial, too. Drawing, painting, and doing other activities that are engaging like this foster inner thought processes to come out and increase a person’s change of healing – other modalities, like acupuncture and chiropractic services, can make huge differences in a person’s daily life.

Spiritual self-care activities can bring about feelings of joy, comfort, strength, confidence, connection and more – and they can better enable family members to find inner strength as they push through the uncertainty that comes with addiction. That’s why the healing journey is a person one – so that each family member can find what is needed most for them.

Family therapy is another form of social support that can foster improved family dynamics as individuals learn to understand one another better. In fact, this heightened time of stress can make it harder for family members to hear each other’s needs – and therapy can bring those needs and wants back to the center. A licensed therapist will be able to facilitate family sessions with respect and may ask questions or facilitate certain discussions to get family members talking about how they feel, what they need and ways they can overcome challenges related to the addiction.

If you have a loved one who is currently struggling with addiction, consider hosting an intervention or taking them to seek treatment. Please reach out to Avalon Malibu to speak with someone who may be able to help you find a professional interventionist so that your loved one can get the help they so desperately need.It’s never too late to begin healing alongside people who care.

Avalon Malibu is a world-renowned, California state-licensed mental health and substance abuse recovery center. If you are ready to seek treatment to develop the tools you need to overcome life’s obstacles and be on the road towards happiness, health, and well-being, call us today at 844-857-5992 for a consultation. It’s never too late, and there are people here ready to help you – it’s never too late to begin taking steps towards a happier, healthier life. 

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