Addiction and Stress in Academia

Addiction and Stress in Academia

Your educational journey can be an endless source of enjoyment that also comes with a great deal of stress. This is true whether you are dealing with the responsibilities of collegiate courses or navigating the pressure of high school expectations.

However, stress can result in destructive habits, and academia can become a catalyst for these unhealthy coping strategies. You may turn to the use of drugs or alcohol to cope with these pressures that are exacerbated by the culture and expectations of major academic settings.

The Stresses of Academia

Academic stress comes in a variety of forms. Looming tests, quizzes, and due dates for essays and projects can all be significant sources of stress as anxiety builds with approaching deadlines. You may also stress about your cumulative GPA rather than any individual project. This approach can leave you feeling depleted even after receiving a good grade on a project or test, thus mitigating the importance of these accomplishments.

It is also possible that stresses can come from beyond the immediate academic sphere, instead of manifesting due to familial expectations. Being pushed to be at the top of your class by parents or guardians, or even self-imposed reasons, can all compile the stresses between home life and the academic world.

Academic pressures are further compounded by the sheer deluge of expectations which leave little time for recreation or relaxation. With new assignments always on the horizon, deadlines approaching every week, and homework outside of the classroom, students may have little time to relax and process their stresses. This can lead to the continual buildup of stress. Tests and finals may even cause you to sacrifice entire nights of sleep to prepare for a test.

The Ubiquitous Nature of Addictive Substances in Academia

However, unrelenting stress is only part of the equation. You may also face an atmosphere where addictive substances can be common. Drugs and alcohol are pervasive throughout high school and collegiate settings and may even be openly discussed and portrayed in a positive light to relieve pent-up stress.

Adderall can be especially prevalent as a drug taken to make these all-nighters more feasible, despite the negative ramifications of the drug. Access to addictive substances coupled with constant stress is a dangerous combination that can easily birth an unhealthy relationship with addictive substances. It may even develop into addiction as you continue to cope with the pressures of academia.

The Dangers of Addictive Substances in Your Academic Career

Due to the wide availability of addiction substances across campuses and their reputation as a quick way to relieve stress, you may turn to them for relief. This image of addictive substances is often misguiding, failing to relay the numerous negative consequences to your physical, emotional, and mental health.

The use of drugs or alcohol fundamentally affects your brain, and the long-term effects of these substances do much more harm than good. One of the negative side effects of using stimulants to study is the physical and mental “crash” that inevitably comes, which may or may not be during your test.

Highs from drugs such as Adderall or other stimulants can lead to an intense amount of mental and physical fatigue, further compromising your focus and ability to tend to academic responsibilities. The use of stimulants to get through a night of studying can be an active detriment to your academic career.

However, beyond the immediate ramifications of using addictive substances, being under the influence or having possession of these substances carries another great risk. Many academic institutes, whether a college campus or high school hallway, have a zero-tolerance policy for the use of these substances.

While you may be of legal drinking age, this does not mean that you can drink anywhere on campus and under any circumstance. There are still rules and regulations that carry dire consequences when broken. Finding illicit drugs on you can be grounds for suspension or expulsion, which immediately puts your entire academic career in jeopardy.

While addictive substances may be widely available and widely used, any purporting to be of benefit with no consequence to your academic journey is false, given the overall negative repercussions of their use.

No educational journey will be devoid of stress, but engaging with these substances under the pretext of a positive benefit can instead exacerbate the negative emotional and mental aspects of the academic world. Acquiescing to the temptation to use substances can work against your best interests and introduce numerous new, unnecessary difficulties and stresses in the process.

Academia comes with a host of stresses which ultimately include your plans for a future career. This anxiety surrounding your studies can be incredibly pervasive. No part of navigating school is easy. The use of addictive substances, whether to promote leisure and relaxation or to aid in an all-night study session, can create an unhealthy relationship with these highly addictive substances. At Avalon Malibu, we understand both the dangers present with addictive substances, as well as the intense stress that academia can cause, and we are prepared to work with you to create a healthy, personalized plan to address the negative effects of stress in your life. Your time with us will be personalized to fit your unique needs and goals, surrounded by peers who can understand, empathize, and help you through these stresses. For more information on how we can help you, call to speak to us today at (844) 857-5992.

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