What To Do When Your Friend Is An Alcoholic And Won’t Admit It

alcoholism in women

Watching a friend struggle with alcoholism can be tough. If you think your friend might be an alcoholic here are some signs and a few suggestions on what you can do to help them.

They’re Drinking More Than They Used To

Alcoholism comes with an increasing tolerance. One of the marks of developing chemical dependency is having to drink a greater amount of alcohol more often. At first, this is to achieve a similar or greater state of intoxication than previously. Eventually, this becomes a matter of staving off symptoms of withdrawal.

They Don’t Look So Great When They’re Not Drinking

Chemical dependency on alcohol sickens the body. Withdrawing from alcohol can include symptoms like shaking, sweating, insomnia, fatigue, and vomiting. As a result, if your friend is trying “not to drink” they might look sickly.

Their Life Is Falling Apart And The Drinking Is No Coincidence

When chemical dependency on alcohol develops, it can take priority in someone’s life. Unable to perform while under the influence, they also aren’t able to perform without being under the influence. Consequently, they fall behind in their obligations and responsibilities. Likely, they are experiencing problems in their relationships or have abandoned healthy relationships for unhealthy relationships with people who are also alcoholics.

They Keep Drinking Even After Things Get Bad

The negative consequences of alcoholic behavior are obvious in late stages. Despite repeated consequences, they continue to pick up a drink and get loaded. Alcoholism changes the way the brain processes judgment. They have become incapable of choosing anything other than alcohol.

How To Help Your Friend

  • Wait until they are sober to have “the talk” with them. Trying to talk to an alcoholic about their alcoholism while they are under the influence of alcohol is typically pointless. Ask them to meet you, or be there when they wake up from a night of binge drinking.
  • Inform their family that you are worried about their drinking and things have gotten out of hand. Not all families are supportive, however, many are. Together you can plan a way to talk or strategize an intervention.
  • When all else fails, plan an intervention. If you’ve tried to talk to them many times and they aren’t getting help, you can hold an intervention. Either with family or other friends, you can lovingly confront them and offer to help them find treatment.

Alcoholism affects mind, body, and spirit. At Avalon By The Sea, we offer treatment for total holistic healing. We pride ourselves on providing trusted programs with trusted results. For more information, call us today at 1 888-958-7511.

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