What Are The Types Of Bipolar Disorder?

woman with bipolar disorder

Bipolar I Disorder

  • Episodes of mania last at least 7 days
  • Symptoms of mania can become so severe that hospitalization is required
  • During episodes of mania there are incidents with police or other official governing agencies
  • Depressive episodes last 2 weeks at a minimum
  • Instances of experiencing symptoms of mania and depression at the same time

Bipolar II Disorder

  • Episodes of hypomania and depression
  • Manic episodes are not as severe as those in Bipolar I
  • Problems do not ensue from manic episodes or depressive episodes
  • Cycling of mania and depression feels more rapid

Cyclothymic Disorder

  • Within two at least 2 year there are numerous episodes of hypomania and depression
  • Though depression and hypomania are being experienced, the criteria of each episode do not qualify as a true hypomanic or depressive episode. The experiences are more muted.

The final category for Bipolar disorders is other specific ad unspecified bipolar and related disorders. There are symptoms of bipolar which are problematic but do not meet the requirements of the three other bipolar categories.  

Without treatment, therapy, and regulated prescription care, bipolar can feel and become unmanageable. Since bipolar is characterized by cycling moods of extreme form, i.e., hypomania or depression, it is important for something with bipolar to learn how to regulate their emotions. Learning to live with bipolar means learning how to recognize the onset of an episode and how to handle the self during that episode. One of the greatest challenges for those who are struggling with bipolar disorder is learning how to love yourself, despre a mental illness.

Though they can sometimes participate in reckless and dangerous behaviors, people with bipolar disorder are not bad people. Nor are they dangerous or should be isolated for their extreme emotional experiences. Therapeutic treatment methods like cognitive behavioral therapy and dialectical behavioral therapy were designed to help regulate emotions in those who have bipolar like symptoms or symptoms of other mental health conditions which cause extremism in emotion.

Bipolar can be highly co-occurring with substance abuse disorder. Many with bipolar find a recklessness, or a sense of calm in drugs and alcohol. Problematically, many with bipolar self medicate using illicit drugs and alcohol substances.

If you or a loved one feel you might be suffering from bipolar disorder, call Avalon By The Sea today for a private consultation. Our treatment center is certified to treat bipolar disorder and other mental health disorders as primary conditions. For more information on our residential treatment programs, call 1 888-958-7511.

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