What are Some Signs That My Relationship is in Jeopardy?

Couple looking unhappy

Whether you’ve been together for a few months or a few years, relationship distress can occur at any time. Perhaps you and your significant other have tried talking out your concerns, and you just haven’t come to a resolution. Maybe you have been silently resenting your partner, and so you haven’t spoken with them about what’s causing you pain. No matter the circumstance, your relationship may be in danger if any of the following is happening:

  • Unhealthy communication: If most of your communication with your partner involves “You” statements (“You need to stop….”) rather than “I” statements (“I feel hurt because…”), your relationship could be in trouble. The way we communicate with our significant other sets the tone for the entire relationship, and if neither of you are willing to work towards communicating better, you may have a huge issue at hand.
  • Incompatible values: The decisions that we make each day are connected to our values – making them so important to who we are. If your values aren’t in line with your partners, your relationship could be at stake, as stated on The Huffington Post. For example, if you highly value saving money, but your partner spends their paycheck as soon as they get it, you may not last long if you aren’t able to communicate each other’s concerns and come to a healthy agreement.
  • Lack of intimacy: Intimacy is what helps love to continue thriving in a relationship, even through the most difficult of times. Intimacy may be physical or emotional – both are important and if one or neither is present and it’s causing distance in your relationship, it needs to be addressed.
  • Infidelity and/or violence: Cheating, domestic violence and addiction can all wreak havoc on a relationship. When it comes to cheating, each circumstance is difference as a person has their own definition of what cheating is and to what caused it. If you or your significant other has cheated, you will both want to consider attending counseling or ending the relationship, depending on your own personal boundaries. Domestic violence should never be tolerated, and you should call the National Domestic Violence Hotline number at 1-800-799-7233 for support through this.

If both you and your significant other are willing to learn, grow, and develop better ways of communicating and relating to each other, there is still hope for your relationship. If either of you are experiencing a mental disorder and/or addiction, this could also be causing further complications to your relationship. Make the decision to seek help today and be on your way to happier life and potentially happier relationship.





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