What Are Some 12-Step Alternatives?

What Are Some 12-Step Alternatives?

The 12-Step approach to addiction recovery has evidence of being successful for many individuals. However, it is important that we share with you that the 12-Step approach is not the only option. There are many other treatment approaches that can be just as beneficial and successful. We believe an individualized treatment plan is vital to the success of our clients. Because of this, we are able to offer several 12-Step alternatives for your treatment plan to accommodate your needs best if the 12-Step approach is not for you. 

12-Step Alternatives

12-Step alternatives for addiction recovery may be right for you. Although the 12-Step approach is well-known and is commonly used in addiction recovery, non-12-Step options can be made available to you. We know the 12-Step approach will not resonate with everyone we treat. Whether it be your belief system that differs or simply that the 12-Step approach doesn’t work for you, other options are available. Some 12-Step alternatives could include methods such as:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
  • Non 12-Step support groups
  • Didactic groups
  • Motivational enhancement therapy (MET)
  • Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR)
  • Writing therapy
  • Art therapy

The methods mentioned above are just some of what Avalon Malibu offers. The use of CBT, for example, is another well-known method for treating addiction. CBT can be very effective for many individuals; this method encourages clients to learn, practice, and utilize new healthy coping skills. DBT, on the other hand, is a bit different, and Addiction Science & Clinical Practice says the following:

“The spirit of a dialectical point of view is never to accept a proposition as a final truth or indisputable fact.”

An example of utilizing DBT could be challenging the beliefs you have surrounding addiction and your probability of a successful recovery. Ultimately, any 12-Step alternative is made available to our clients with an individualized treatment plan in mind. We believe individualizing each treatment plan is crucial because your experience with addiction and mental health can differ greatly from that of someone else. This does not mean any one particular method is better or worse than another.  

It is important to note that 12-Step alternatives do not necessarily mean you do not believe in a higher power. You can absolutely believe in a higher power but not find the 12-Step approach is right for your recovery needs. Treatment for addiction is not going to be exactly the same experience for everyone. You may find that acknowledging you have power and control in your recovery is more helpful to you. With this in mind, we offer non-12-Step group therapy. In combination with other therapies, we believe recovery is possible.

What You Can Do if Your Treatment Approach Isn’t Working

As previously mentioned, Avalon Malibu tailors each treatment plan to the individual. Because there is a variety of treatment methods, it can take some time and trial and error to find what works best for you. With that said, if you feel your treatment plan is not working well for you, there are a number of things you can do. Talking to our staff about your treatment plan is a great option to start with. Alerting your therapist is another important step. Together, you can decide what approach to take next.

Another option you may want to consider includes doing some of your own research and having your treatment plan altered to accommodate whatever you feel resonates with you best. For example, where some clients may find writing therapy helpful, you may find that art therapy is a better option to try. In the process of finding what types of therapy fits your needs best, it is important not to feel discouraged. There is no shame in needing to try different approaches for your recovery and sobriety. 

What to Expect From 12-Step Alternatives

When receiving treatment for addiction, there are a few things you can expect to experience regardless of your treatment plan. If treatment with us at Avalon Malibu is right for you, you can expect to have a variety of treatment approaches included in your individualized treatment plan. This gives you the best opportunity to recover. At Avalon Malibu, there is also a 2:1 staff-client ratio. This allows our staff to work closely with you, which can improve the effectiveness of your treatment. 

Something else you can expect from non-12-Step approaches is the underlying belief behind how and why you are getting sober. Ultimately, if you have a treatment plan that does not include the 12-Step approach, the belief system for sobriety is more closely related to the idea that you are making the choice to recover. This means your therapists will put more emphasis on your role in your recovery and what you have control over in the process. 

Treatment for addiction is not a one-size-fits-all situation. We believe at Avalon Malibu, everyone has the right to have a treatment plan catered to their specific needs. In the case that the 12-Step approach does not work for you for any reason, there are many other options we can offer to you. Your beliefs will be respected at Avalon Malibu, and we can ensure that if one treatment plan does not work, we can make adjustments to accommodate your needs best. 12-Step alternative treatment plans have evidence of being just as beneficial to individuals in addiction recovery. Call (844) 857-5992 today for more information on 12-Step alternatives for addiction treatment.

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