Tuning Into the Present Moment: Using Yoga to Get You There

One of the most crucial areas of addiction recovery is learning to practice presence and mindfulness. Addiction has a way of stealing attention from the beautiful pieces that make up a life. Consequently, it’s common to get caught up in altered thinking and miss out on everything beautiful, right now. Maybe you find yourself consumed with the obsession to use drugs and/or alcohol. Perhaps you are constantly preoccupied with concerns as to exactly how you will get your next drink and/or drug. If you’re in the final stages of addiction, you may find yourself flooded with thoughts of hopelessness and fear. Whatever your experience, the result is the same: As the ability to experience awareness of, and gratitude for the present moment decreases, perspective on life becomes increasingly negative. 

Choosing a holistic approach to addiction recovery provides you with the opportunity to address the many mind, body and spiritual factors that influence who you are and how you view your life. Reconnecting to your joy by tuning into the present moment supports your ability to thrive in your recovery and your life as a whole.

Using Yoga to Tune In 

Millions of people across the U.S. have begun picking up yoga as a way to ground themselves and feel more present. Yoga is a practice that incorporates physical postures with mindful breathing, bringing a sense of peace and calm amidst the chaos. For many people, the physical movement associated with yoga helps them to gain a greater sense of clarity. Focusing on the feeling of different poses in the body supports them in connecting to their internal experience. The result is a sense of increased awareness and confidence in themselves, as well as improved ability to stay present with their emotions. 

It’s not uncommon for people to believe that yoga is tied to a particular religion, however, this is not the case. Alternatively, yoga is a practice that’s been utilized by people all around the world to achieve a sense of wellbeing. If you’re considering yoga as part of a holistic recovery program, it’s important to note that there are several types you can choose from, including:

  • Iyengar – detailed, precise movements used to help with alignment
  • Kundalini – used to intentionally move stagnant, trapped energy in the body
  • Ashtanga – a more physically demanding practice, with great focus on the breath
  • Vinyasa – an athletic yoga style with different sequences
  • And more

The Connection Between Yoga and Addiction Recovery

As treatment has become more and more focused on the whole person, instead of solely on addiction, several alternative healing modalities have gained popularity among those recovering. Yoga has proven to be one of the more popular therapeutic tools among the holistic community, due to its ability to cultivate self-confidence, spiritual connection, and presence of mind. Commonly, individuals in addiction recovery find that increased mindfulness provides a foundation that supports their ability to work through uncomfortable emotions and life’s challenges in a healthy way. 

Previous research has sought to explore exactly what it is about yoga that makes it so compelling for those in addiction recovery, revealing several components: 

  • Ethical disciplines
  • Individual observances
  • Posture
  • Breath control
  • Withdrawal of senses
  • Concentration
  • Meditation
  • Self-realization

Keep in mind that you don’t have to be an experienced yogi to benefit from yoga. Beginners often experience the effects almost immediately, reporting feelings of relaxation and bliss after just one session. Continued practice will only increase these experiences, maximizing yoga’s transformative benefits. Ultimately, those who participate in yoga regularly identify it as a practice that “detoxifies the body and calms the mind,” proving it to be an amazing approach towards combating the negative effects of addiction. 

Taking It One Step at a Time 

There are many types of holistic practices that a person can incorporate into their addiction recovery regime, including yoga, meditation, chiropractic services, massage therapy and more. Each practice has something unique to offer. Choosing the modalities that will work best for you depends on your specific needs and your experience with each. Typically, it’s suggested to experiment with each therapeutic resource available to you and customize your treatment plan based on what you connect to most. 

At Avalon Malibu, several holistic services are available to you as you seek balance in your mental, physical and spiritual recovery. Our healthcare professionals are committed to understanding your unique needs, as we work together to create a treatment plan that will best support your recovery goals. If you’re ready to take the first step towards a healthy and happy life free from addiction, reach out to Avalon Malibu today, at 844-857-5992.

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