The Difference Between Managing Symptoms and Commitment to Recovery

The Difference Between Managing Symptoms and Dedicated Recovery

Recovery is a complicated and arduous process, and while it comes with a myriad of difficulties, it is possible for anyone willing to commit. There is a difference between managing some of the complications that accompany addiction and a dedicated approach to recovery.

Addiction is a disease without any definite cure. Managing symptoms can help to mitigate some of the overwhelming stresses, anxiety, depression, or other mental, emotional, and physical aspects of addiction. However, in order to alleviate these symptoms long term, you must dedicate yourself to recovery. Responding to these symptoms can be the catalyst for a more impactful, transformative path ahead.

Managing the Symptoms of Recovery From Addiction

Addiction can have a myriad of effects on your body and mind. There are physical ramifications for the use of addictive substances that can wreak havoc on your liver, skin, heart, or kidneys. The mental toll on your psyche can be just as treacherous, if not more so. Anxiety can become limitless as a result of addiction, along with depression and pervasive feelings of guilt and self-doubt.

Addressing these symptoms is paramount throughout addiction recovery, both to help develop effective grounding strategies and help prevent the sudden onset of behaviors that lead to relapse.

Coping with these effects is a crucial part of the process. Learning to manage your breathing and practicing more mindfulness techniques can help provide direction and support while coping with a problematic episode of anxiety. However, while these strategies are instrumental, they are inherently reactionary to your situation. Responding to your fluctuating state throughout recovery from active addiction is a necessary skill.

Still, it is also only part of the process when it comes to creating a new perception of sobriety. Dedicating yourself to recovery in all of its forms is a necessary step to embrace these changes. Doing so should not be a reaction to specific symptoms of addiction but, to a proactive mindset to prioritize your health and wellbeing.

What Does It Mean to Commit Yourself to Recovery?

Committing to recovery has some stark differences from simply managing the symptoms of addiction. Your commitment to recovery encapsulates not just how addiction has affected your life but also takes into account your goals beyond overcoming addiction. It is an effort of transformation that involves coping with the effects of addiction while actively working to reshape your mentality and perspective surrounding these substances.

This is done to create new goals, bridge new behaviors, and address your potential in life. You cannot simply think your way into better acting; you will need to act your way into better thinking. Dedicating yourself to this kind of transformation can be difficult. It is essential to acknowledge the potential barriers to managing the symptoms of addiction to move beyond their confines to a more proactive, goal-focused mentality.

Get Ready for Change

Recovery takes a tremendous amount of effort. Dedicating yourself to a new lifestyle comes with an admission that the disease of addiction and its accompanying insanity is no longer fit for your life. Whether it be familial relationships, professional goals, or personal ambitions, addiction dictates how you prioritize each of these areas.

There may also be areas of life that have been affected by addiction that you may not have considered or were conscious of. Some examples include eating habits or sleeping schedules. Making a commitment to your recovery means opening up to the idea that there may be many uncomfortable foreign changes ahead. Your ability to find serenity in your life is contingent upon embracing these changes.

Finding a New Sense of Identity

Addictive substances can also hinder your relationship with hobbies or personal interests. Engaging with addictive substances comes with sacrificing time spent on your interests and funneling finances away from hobbies you previously loved. Your commitment to recovery demands that you learn to look beyond the effects of addiction and reformulate your identity, reestablishing hobbies or finding entirely new interests in sobriety.

Introspective insight about your goals and interests is a difficult skill to acquire, but it is one that can be indispensable when working to provide yourself with a sense of purpose. Being able to question yourself about who you want to be and the traits you wish to embody can be a potent force that aids in developing an entirely new sense of identity. Instead of practicing a reactionary approach to cope with the effects of addiction, you can become proactive and respond with certainty and assuredness to maintain your newfound, sobriety-oriented mindset.

Managing symptoms of addiction is only part of the process, and dedicating yourself to recovery is a crucial change in perspective needed to better understand and overcome the effects of active addiction. At Avalon Malibu, we understand the need to move from managing symptoms of addiction to dedicating yourself to a transformative recovery process. We are prepared to help you make the transition today. Our personalized approach to recovery allows our professionals to create a recovery plan that is right for you, helping you focus on not only the daily struggles of addiction recovery but also prioritize your goals in sobriety. A comfortable, calm atmosphere can help you detach from unnecessary stresses while learning to cope with the effects of addiction and planning for your sober future. For more information on how we can personalize your time with us, call to speak to a caring staff member today at (844) 857-5992.

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