Restoration Rings The Freedom Bell

Restoration Rings The Freedom Bell

Avalon Malibu Addiction Restoration Rings The Freedom Bell

When people first arrive at Avalon Malibu, they often feel mixed emotions.  Encouraged to finally be making the necessary step to recover, yet, fearful of what life may be like ahead.

The addicted individual has been trapped and more than likely experienced the feeling of being bound in the cycle of substance abuse. Depression often adds to this and accompanies the dire situation.

Changes have occurred in the user’s brain chemistry and now their brain is chemically and physiologically different from a normal brain. All of this is also perpetuated by physiological, psychological and emotional issues of dependency.

An addict or alcoholic may understand the cycle of addiction, but will remain unable to break the recurrence of the cycle until they widen their sight to seek help.

Starting Fresh and Starting Over

When people arrive at the point of rehab, they are worn and torn by feelings of guilt and shame. At the same time what brings them to Avalon Malibu is their belief in a better way of life.  They are ready for freedom and healing. They know they are worth more and desire to live a prosperous life that flourishes.

It can take a long time, sometimes years or decades before an addicted individual begins on the path of recovery. Addiction is defined as compulsive thinking and an obsessive need for drugs, alcohol, food, sex or anything at all regardless of the significant negative consequences.

Addiction includes the development of tolerance combined with withdrawal symptoms. In addition to tolerance, an addict or alcoholic will experience powerful physical cravings and an emotional fixation to take alcohol or drugs. Most addiction develops over a long period of time and usually begins with misuse, moving toward abuse and resulting finally in physical and psychological addiction.

Addiction Treatment Programs

After extended long periods of time using drugs and alcohol to self medicate, and with compounding depression, individuals struggle with interpersonal relationships. Letting feelings out and sharing with others in their struggle along with successes and failures is an important part of recovery and getting free from addiction. Living everyday life for an addicted individual can be a real challenge.

When visiting Avalon Malibu we believe that within every individual, are the tools to face life and all of its challenges and rewards fully grounded with a healthy, abounding freedom.

Our Promise

Avalon Malibu is committed to the development of the whole person’s being. We utilize a holistic approach that is a natural way and life affirming path. When people come to Avalon Malibu their restoration rings a freedom bell that reminds them of what life was meant to be or may have been before they became addicted.  The freedom bell is being able to walk and talk and think, participate, receive and react in a way where all life facets work together for good.

The Avalon Sanctuary Model rehabilitation program provides intervention, designed to facilitate the development of processes, and behaviors that will counteract the biological, cognitive, social, and existential wounds suffered by addicted individuals and substance abuse.   At Avalon Malibu we pride ourselves with open communication that is direct and honest and strive to provide people with the tools to make good decisions.

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