Structure Your Days Without Spending Money

Structure Your Days Without Spending Money

During rehabilitation, your daily schedule will be structured according to your treatment plan. Individual therapy, group sessions, complementary therapy, recreational time, meals, and social events, will fill your days. Once you graduate from the program, however, you will probably have much more free time. Too much free time can cause boredom or restlessness, thereby increasing your risk of relapse. Unfortunately, activities like seeing a movie, visiting a museum, or shopping can be expensive. When planning your schedule, consider some low- or no-cost hobbies to occupy your time.

Work or Volunteer

If you do not have a job, now might be a good time to start one! Evaluate your mental health before pursuing a career; professional life can be overwhelming, and if you are not ready to handle a stressful environment, you may turn to drugs or alcohol. Substance exposure may also trigger a relapse. Avoid restaurants, bars, and other workplaces where alcohol and drugs are present. A volunteer position may prove more conducive to your recovery goals. Giving back to your community can make you feel good, and this should help keep you in positive spirits. Even if you are comfortable sharing your experiences, seeking out a volunteer position at a rehabilitation center or organization that helps survivors of SUD is probably not a good option for you in early recovery. Think about your likes and dislikes, and search local organizations that match your personality!


Feeling sluggish? Head outside for some exercise! Feeling the warmth of the sun can brighten your day before you even start your workout. Walking, running, and biking are excellent forms of aerobic exercise, meaning they improve cardiovascular fitness. Exercise also releases endorphins, neurochemicals that cause feelings of pleasure, making it a fun way to keep busy, save money, and improve health.


Gardening is a long-term activity that yields more than just fruits and veggies; once you see your plants bloom, you can feel proud of your progress. Flowers and herbs are a good place to start, because they can be contained in a pot. For those with more room, plant seeds from your favorite produce. You might need to purchase some tools like a shovel and some gardening gloves, but you can sell the fruit of your labor and make the money back!

At Avalon Malibu, we want you to be an active participant in your recovery. When you leave our facility, you should be prepared to overcome any challenges and lead a successful and sober life. Our commitment to offering diverse treatment options means that each person can enjoy a unique rehabilitation experience tailored to their individual needs. If you are interested in a consultation, call us today at (844) 857-5992.

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