How to Declutter and Simplify Your Life This Fall

Have you ever felt like you needed to create space in your life and minimize chaos? Decluttering your life is an act of mindfulness that can create more space and foster mental wellness as you connect back to what is important to you. Here are things you can do to declutter and simplify your life.

Intention Setting 

You can begin to declutter your life without getting rid of any physical objects. Take a moment to set an intention for the day for what you want to experience. Be deliberate about what you consume and give your energy to over the day. Choosing to be intentional with your energy, time, and needs can create magic in the mundane and guide you toward consciously making the life you desire rather than living on autopilot.

Choosing Routines That Center You 

It is one thing to move through a morning routine in a rush just to cross it off the checklist, but it is another to use it as an opportunity to slow down and practice presence. One point of integrating wellness routines into your life is to use them for cultivating simplicity, intentionality, and mindfulness throughout your day.

Practices such as journaling, exercise, visualization, and meditation can simply be items on your to-do list. Perhaps instead they can serve as rituals where you take a moment to pause and come back to yourself rather than rushing onto the next task.

Digital Decluttering

Social media can be toxic and overwhelming with all of the different content consumed daily. Unfollowing accounts on social media that do not benefit you, deleting emails, minimizing screen time, and getting rid of unused apps can all be great ways to clear up space on your phone or computer as well as in your mind.

Home Decluttering

Practicing minimalism can look different for everyone, but it can increase anybody’s experience of wellness, joy, happiness, and fulfillment. The essence of minimalism is to be intentional about the relationships, possessions, clothes, and items you keep in your life. It does not necessarily matter how much you get rid of, but rather the why behind keeping — or not keeping —certain belongings. What items can you let go of that no longer add to your quality of life so you can create space for ones that spark joy?

Cultivating wellness in your life is a continual and lifelong process, as is recovery from a substance use disorder. At Avalon Malibu, we are here to guide you no matter where you are in your journey to wellness. This can feel easier said than done, especially when mental illness can feel all-consuming at times. Practices like decluttering what’s out of alignment with your healing and being intentional with what you need can help. At Avalon Malibu, we can guide you in this process in a safe and supportive environment. To learn more, call us today at (844) 857-5992.

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