Expanded Benefits May Help Reduce Veteran Suicide Rates

veterans hugging family

Veterans who have recently left the military are between 2 and 3 times more likely to take their own lives compared to active service duty members, and nearly 20% of all veterans who return from duty experience post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and/or depression. USA Today stated that on average, 20 veterans die by suicide each day. These numbers are alarming, devastating, and so tragic for all the military members and families involved. Earlier this year that President Trump signed an executive order to provide more benefits for more veterans transitioning from the military into civilian life. Trump stated, “We want them to get the highest care and the care they so richly deserve.”

Many members of service are exposed to horrifying instances like combat, assault, disaster and more – leaving many with anxiety, nightmares, depression, hyperarousal, paranoia, and more. When they come back to civilian life, they face unique challenges. On top of their mental and physical conditions, they must fit into corporate America, which isn’t very easy for them. Veteran Health Services has noted the following challenges for many returning from the military:

  • Relating to people who are not familiar with what they’ve experienced
  • Reconnecting and re-establishing a role in family life, where new routines have been made without them
  • Joining or creating a community with which they fit in
  • Preparing to enter the work force, and learning how to create a resume, complete an interview, and more
  • Creating a different kind of structure back at home and at work
  • Adjusting to providing necessities such as food, clothing, and housing
  • Adjusting to a completely different pace of life
  • Adjusting to the change in culture from military life to family and corporate life
  • Learning how to establish services such as doctor appointments, insurance, etc.

These re-adjustment challenges can leave many feeling stranded, hopeless, and alone. With these added benefits, hopefully veterans are receiving more help, reducing the rate at which we are losing our loved ones. It is never too late to seek help and use resources available to you. Many people care about your health and well-being – make the decision to seek help today.





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