Creating a Recovery Lifestyle That Works for You

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There is no “one size fits all” when it comes to recovery – each person has their own unique history, genetic makeup, preferences, support, feelings, circumstance, etc. Due to this, it’s incredibly important that a person construct a recovery plan that will serve to be most beneficial to their overall health and recovery goals. Oftentimes, individuals may feel that since someone they know is managing their lifestyle a certain way, they should do the same thing. This isn’t necessarily true, because what may work for one person doesn’t mean that it will work for another, and that doesn’t always mean that the person is making the best choices towards recovery.

Here are some crucial steps to consider when developing a recovery lifestyle:

  • Slow and steady wins the race. Whether a person has recently been discharged from a rehabilitation facility or whether someone has been attending support groups, recovery is a lifelong process and should be treated as such. The individual should make sure to not place too high of expectations on themselves – part of being human is making mistakes and finding out what works best. Finding the right lifestyle takes time, and the person should have patience with themselves as they embark on this new endeavor.
  • Determine who aids recovery, and who hinders it. A person should try to surround themselves with individuals that truly care about the person’s success – not individuals who make choices that would compromise that person’s recovery goal if they participated.
  • Determine the “ground rules”. That person should consider which places are toxic to them and may cause them to disrupt the progress of their recovery. From there, the person should determine how they will handle situations involving the toxic place and what is best for them at that time to continue a path to success.
  • Develop goals to accomplish. Whatever those goals may be, having goals allows the person to focus in on achieving something that means a lot to them. Tracking progress of these goals helps keep the person accountable and serves as a measuring tool for the individual to see how far they have come.

A recovery lifestyle is an ongoing, ever-changing journey. It is both courageous and admirable for someone to spend their life overcoming something that has once taken them over. If the individual stays focused on their recovery goal and makes active decisions that are geared towards that goal, they should feel confident that they are on the right path.


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