5 Things You Want To Know About Alcoholism










  • Alcoholism can turn you into a different person than you want to be: The neurobiology of alcoholism demonstrates that when the chemical addiction to alcohol takes over the brain, almost every area is affected. Each of the important functions of the brain, from decision making to rationalization and judgment, are severely impaired by the intoxicating presence of alcohol. Consequently, one’s behaviors, judgments, decisions, and actions end up being different from who one normally portrays themselves to be.
  • Alcoholism can lead you into dangerous, reckless situations: Due to the way alcohol takes over and changes the brain, judgment is skewed. One who becomes even slightly intoxicated runs the risk over misjudging a set of staircases or how close their seat really is. When chronically intoxicated, these misjudgments are directly correlated with bigger problems. With lowered inhibitions and an inability to make healthy decisions, an alcoholic consistently finds themselves in reckless and dangerous situations. Often, these situations can cause problems with the law or lead to physical injury.
  • There is no one reason why you become an alcoholic: Different theories on what specifically causes alcoholism simplify the complexity of what the disease of alcoholism truly is. At the neurobiological core of alcoholism, becoming an alcoholic is at the fault of a hyperproduction of dopamine, a neurotransmitter sending signals of pleasure, and the response of the rest of the brain. However, many biological, social, psychological, and environmental factors have to be considered as well.
  • Having “just one” isn’t possible: Moderation versus abstinence is a popular debate in the conversation of the best way to treat alcoholism and live a recovery lifestyle. Most alcoholics find that having the “first drink” inevitably leads to more drinks until they are completely intoxicated. Abstinence in alcoholism recovery is not a deficit but a gift in may people’s lives. Learning to live without alcohol, their lives become more enriched than ever before.
  • Alcoholism is progressive: A saying in recovery goes as follows: it gets worse, never better. The very nature of alcoholism as it affects the brain causes it to be a progressive illness. Developing a tolerance is one of the signs chemical dependency on alcohol is taking place. Tolerance is the sign that the brain has reached a plateau in the amount of pleasure which is produced as a result of consuming alcohol. Having become dependent on pleasure, the brain needs to create more of it. Thus, a progressive cycle begins. Consuming more alcohol to create a higher level of pleasure in the brain creates a higher and higher tolerance, demanding higher quantities of alcohol to be consumed.



The most important thing you need to know about alcoholism is that recovery is possible. Avalon By The Sea offers residential treatment programs and services, from detox to inpatient and beyond. For a confidential assessment and more information on our programs, call us today at 888-958-7511.

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