4 Highly Addictive Drugs Prescribed By Doctors










Prescription drug addiction is a common problem which happens mostly to unsuspecting people. Without abusing their drugs, they become dependent upon them, building a tolerance and needing to consume increasing amounts of their prescription drugs.


Opioid medications are prescribed for relieving pain. Most opioid medications are based in morphine of some kind under a brand name like Hydrocodone. A combination of morphine and acetaminophen, opioids can be highly addictive. Opioid pain medications do not target pain specifically. Instead, the opioid medications work by providing numbing analgesic pain relief to the entire body. As a central nervous system depressant, opioids shut down the whole system, slowing down the lungs, the heart, and the brain. Though opioids produce high levels of dopamine in the brain, a chemical which creates sensations of pleasure, they do not stimulate the brain. The opioid epidemic sweeping the nation by the tens of thousands in fatal overdoses points large amounts of blame on prescription opioids prescribed by doctors. Accusations of over-prescribing, irresponsibly increasing dosages, and prescribing more medications ahead of prescription date have led thousands to becoming dependent. Opioids don’t require abuse to become habit-forming. Due to the intense amount of pain relief caused by the medication’s interactions with the opioid receptors, which causes the intense analgesia, opioid users see their tolerance toward pain lowered significantly. Each time their pain returns, it gets a little worse because the tolerance gets lower.

Ambien/Sleep Medications

Sleep medications are heavy sedatives which cause deep relaxation in mind and muscle. People who have chronic difficulty getting to sleep are prescribed sleep medications so that they can get an entire night of deep, restful sleep. People who have insomnia, difficulty staying asleep, or not getting quality sleep suffer from sleep-deprivation. Sleep deprivation has been closely linked to many problems in mental health and physical health because the body absolutely needs to sleep. Ambien and other sleep medications are known to have adverse side effects and become habit forming. People have found that they develop a tolerance to the ambien and take more to fall asleep. This cycle creates a deeper dependency on sleep medications which extends into waking hours. Taking ambien during waking hours has reportedly created hallucinations, unconsciousness, and caused people to act as though they are drunk. People openly discuss their abuse of ambien using it as a sedative for recreational enjoyment rather than using it for sleep. As a result, the cycle of their dependence continues.


Stimulant amphetamine drugs are primarily prescribed to patients who live with ADD/ADHD. Helping them focus, stay organized, and on task, the stimulant drugs help them live normal functioning lives. Amphetamines are dependency forming for those who take them. Without the drugs, people with ADD/ADHD find it difficult to focus, concentrate, or manage their symptoms. In addition, they notice a total reversal in some of their side effects. For example, during use of the medication it is common for people to have little to no appetite. Once the medication is out of the system, there is an insatiable hunger. People who do not have ADD/ADHD but abuse the drug for its stimulating effects can quickly become addicted. Amphetamines don’t produce the same euphoria as other drugs in normal doses but it can in high doses. A large part of the addiction comes from the reward association developed between the use of amphetamines and what is accomplished, like good grades, studying, weight loss, and more.


Prescribed for anxiety relief, benzodiazepines are highly dependency forming for those who use the drugs regularly and for those who abuse them. Also a central nervous system depressant, these drugs relax the mind and the body to relieve the affects of anxiety, which are psychosomatic. Benzodiazepines are known to create a subtle sense of euphoria which can cause sleepiness or feelings of warmth and comfort- an understandable reaction from anxiety disorders. Dangerously, opioids and benzodiazepines together can slow the central nervous system down too severely causing overdose and death.


Prescription drug addiction is a life threatening problem. It happens to many people who take prescriptions. At Avalon By The Sea, we understand that addiction happens. We offer you our residential treatment programs for addiction use disorders like prescription drug addictions. For a confidential assessment, call us today: 888-958-7511


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