Your Ultimate Guide to Borderline Personality Disorder

brain image with rain drops

Whether you have been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder (BPD) or you know of a loved one who has recently been diagnosed, understanding BPD and the symptoms associated with it can help you make more sense of yourself and others. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, BPD is characterized by difficulty regulating emotion. If a person with BPD experiences an emotionally triggering event, it is likely very difficult for them to immediately come back from this event. BPD can lead to individuals feeling impulsive, low regarding self-esteem, difficulty maintaining stable relationships, and feeling intense emotions to triggering situations. The following are common symptoms of BPD:

  • Intense bouts of anger, depression, or anxiety that last from hours to several days
  • Distortions in thoughts and sense of self; a person with BPD may view themselves as “bad” or “unworthy”, and if they have little support, they may not have a clear idea of who they are
  • Unstable patterns in relationships – intense and stormy attachments to others, where they idealize a person and then if an upsetting event arises, may immediately switch to the opposing end, accusing the other person of not caring for them at all
  • Exhibit impulsive and risky behaviors, such as excessive gambling, unsafe sex, spending too much money, or abusing drugs/alcohol
  • Engage in self-harm or suicide attempts
  • Highly sensitive to criticism and abandonment; becomes very distressed even if abandoned for a brief period such as a vacation

There are many different causes for BPD. A combination of a person’s vulnerability to environmental stress, neglect, and/or abuse as a child from a series of events could trigger the onset of this disorder in a young adult. Individuals with this disorder may also have a challenging time selecting “safe” and “appropriate” partners, making them more high-risk to be victims of violence. How can someone with BPD receive help?

Thankfully, there are many methods of treatment that work to help individuals with borderline personality disorder better manage their symptoms. A combination of medication and psychotherapy often work best, with cognitive behavioral therapy and dialectical behavioral therapy being just a few techniques that have proven to be very effective. If you believe you may have BPD, seek professional help today to receive a clear diagnosis.  





If you’re seeking a mental health and/or substance abuse recovery treatment center, call us today at 888-958-7511. Avalon Malibu is a world-renowned, California state-licensed treatment center with licensed, experienced professionals who care about your recovery. We have a variety of methods that we can try with you to see what works and will help you develop a customized treatment plan to best suit your needs. Make the decision to place your health and happiness as top priority, and call us for a consultation.

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