Why Anxiety Can Result in Avoidance and How to Challenge It

Why Anxiety Can Result In Avoidance And How To Challenge It

There are multiple different anxiety disorders, and anxiety disorders have a wide range of symptoms, from experiencing dizziness to avoidance behaviors. At Avalon Malibu, we understand anxiety symptoms can alter the way you function in your daily life. You may even notice your anxiety can cause avoidance of certain tasks. This could include anything from minor daily tasks to larger responsibilities. No matter the case, we know the effects of anxiety can be difficult to manage without support. Learning how to challenge anxiety is possible. We want you to know that you are not alone and help is available. 

Explaining Anxiety and Why It Can Cause Avoidance

Life can be unpredictable; it is normal for everyone to experience some anxiety occasionally. Anxiety disorders, on the other hand, are more complex than occasional worry. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), there are a variety of anxiety disorders and symptoms. Some of the anxiety disorders mentioned included generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder, and phobias. If you have an anxiety disorder, we understand that your symptoms can interfere with your daily life. Phobias are likely more commonly known for causing avoidance behaviors, but any anxiety disorder could also result in similar issues.

Anxiety can be tiring; therefore, we know no one wants to have anxiety. Some symptoms of anxiety listed by NIMH include the following:

  • Sweating
  • Racing heart
  • Feeling out of control
  • Self-consciousness 
  • Avoidance behaviors

If you are experiencing avoidance behaviors, you are not alone. Avoiding people, places, or situations that bring about your anxiety may feel safer for you. Avoidance, however, can interfere with your life and have a negative impact on your mental health. We want to validate that we understand you are doing the best you can with the coping mechanisms and tools you have available to you. With that being said, there are some tips and tricks we want to provide to help you challenge avoidance behaviors. 

How to Challenge Avoidance Caused by Anxiety

Challenging your anxiety may seem intimidating; we understand if you are nervous about trying to make changes to your routine that feel safe to you. Please remember you can take these tips and tricks as suggestions and do what feels right for you. It could be important to move at your own pace and consult with a professional such as a therapist or your doctor for additional support, especially when you are challenging larger responsibilities. 

We know that if you are avoiding a specific place or situation due to your anxiety, it would not be easy to immediately stop avoiding those things. Taking small steps to build your confidence is likely more beneficial and will have a better outcome. Some tips and tricks for challenging avoidance could include using a planner. Planning your day by writing out the tasks you want to complete could be beneficial. Including a treat or a small and simple reward like enjoying a nice meal after completing a difficult task could be helpful. 

To reiterate, easing yourself into tasks you typically avoid will likely have the best outcome. When you feel anxious, completing everyday tasks can be neglected. An example of an everyday task you may avoid could be doing laundry. Sometimes, tasks like this feel overwhelming, and over time, the laundry may pile up. It may then feel more overwhelming to complete the tasks because there is more to do. A tip could be to break up the large task into smaller tasks. If you have a large pile of clothes to fold, make a small goal to fold five pieces of clothing. You could then take a break and return to it after a set amount of time, fold another five pieces, and repeat until the task is completed.

How to Challenge Other Anxiety Symptoms

As previously mentioned, anxiety has many different symptoms. Some additional symptoms you may experience from anxiety, according to NIMH, can include:

  • Sleep disturbances
  • Unexplained body pains
  • Headaches
  • restlessness
  • Irritability

One tip you may find helpful for challenging the above-listed anxiety symptoms could include practicing mindfulness. At Avalon Malibu, we have a holistic approach and find that mindfulness or meditation practices are beneficial to our clients. 

Finding Anxiety Treatment

If you have an anxiety disorder, there are treatment options available for you. Our mental health facility at Avalon Malibu, The Grand House, is equipped to treat your anxiety disorder. As mentioned above, we offer a holistic treatment approach to help you heal. This includes methods like nutrition management, yoga, and lifestyle management, to name a few. If Avalon Malibu is the right fit for you, you can expect a judgment-free environment where you can learn how to challenge your anxiety and become free of the stress the anxiety may cause.

Anxiety has a wide variety of symptoms that can lead you to avoid anything from simple daily life tasks to larger responsibilities. You are not alone if you are facing the challenges associated with anxiety disorders. At Avalon Malibu, we know anxiety can be stressful, and the idea of learning how to combat the symptoms anxiety can cause may sound intimidating. We want to ensure you that we can help build your confidence and work towards treating your anxiety with our holistic approach. Our judgment-free environment and caring staff are here to help you. Please call (844) 857-5992 today for more information on anxiety and to begin your healing journey with Avalon Malibu today.

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