What Problems Do Those with a Personality Disorder Face?

man with multiple photos of self

Personality disorders are defined as a deeply ingrained and maladaptive pattern of behavior that is typically manifested by the time one reaches adolescence; they often cause long-term difficulties in relationships and other aspects of daily life. An estimated 9% of adults in the United States have a personality disorder. There are 10 specific types of personality disorders, and are identified based on the following:

  • The way a person thinks about themselves and others
  • The emotional responses of the person
  • The way the individual relates to others
  • The way a person controls their behavior

There are 3 “clusters” of personality disorders:

  • Cluster A: Odd or eccentric behavior (ex. Paranoid personality disorder)
  • Cluster B: Dramatic, emotional or erratic behavior (ex. Borderline personality disorder)
  • Cluster C: Anxious or fearful behavior (ex. Avoidant personality disorder)

Due to lack of understanding, many stereotypes surround personality disorders. Society has even utilized some names of personality disorders to describe someone whom they feel isn’t acting appropriately, with or without an official diagnosis. One example of a stereotype is associated with borderline personality disorder (BPD) – many people with this disorder must reassure their new friends they are not dangerous, because society has labelled those with BPD as “dangerous” or “crazy”. These stereotypes are very harmful because they prevent people from obtaining the support they need and can hold many people back from disclosing information about themselves or seeking treatment.

Since people with a personality disorder view themselves and others in a different way, they often have difficulty establishing trusting relationships with others. For example, a person with paranoid personality disorder may consistently believe that someone is trying to be deceitful, even when there is no reason to believe so. For people who are not willing and patient enough to understand the disorder, a friendship could be short-lived.

As a 2016 study published in World Psychiatry confirmed, individuals with serious mental illness often have difficulty remaining in treatment. This is often due to feeling misunderstood and not receiving appropriate care, along with other factors. Although there are many challenges that people with personality disorders face, those challenges can be eased when proper treatment is involved. Treatment may include psychotherapy and medication but can help a person better manage their symptoms that have been causing them distress. If you have a personality disorder, seek the help you need today.

If you’re seeking a mental health and/or substance abuse recovery treatment center, call us today at 855-412-2426. Avalon Malibu is a world-renowned, California state-licensed treatment center with licensed, experienced professionals who care about your recovery. We have a variety of methods that we can try with you to see what works and will help you develop a customized treatment plan to best suit your needs. Make the decision to place your health and happiness as top priority and call us for a consultation.

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