5 Things Those with Narcissistic Personality Disorder Will Admit Only to Themselves

man leaning into mirror

Narcissism lies on a spectrum, with increased severity taking on the role of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). A person diagnosed with this disorder will often exhibit a grandiose image of self-importance, a preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power and more, a belief that he or she is uniquely “gifted” and can only be understood by high-status people, a sense of entitlement, a need for excessive admiration, and much more. An individual with NPD will often regard others as either high status (perfect, entitled) or low status (unworthy, defective). This can make friendships and romantic relationships difficult to maintain, because they often lack empathy and are very self-centered.

If you have NPD, you may recognize some of the traits that you exhibit, but you fear discussing them with others because you do not want it to tarnish your image or status. Elinor Greenberg, PhD and internationally renowned Gestalt therapy trainer, has noted 5 things many of her clients with NPD have admitted to themselves, but not others:

  1. That they have responded inappropriately when they’ve become enraged.
  2. That they know they are overreacting, but do not know why or how to stop it.
  3. That they are tired of having to constantly chase new sources for validation.
  4. That they have lost confidence that a new car, new promotion, or new partner will make a lasting positive impact on their life.
  5. That they continue to sink down in self-hating depressions and feel helpless on the attacks their inner critic gives them.

Latest research has shown that NPD is accompanied with insecurity, inferiority, fragility, and emotion dysregulation. From this, many therapists assume that a person’s sense of inferiority or grandeur are truly deceptive “cover ups” that help the person hide from their true sense of “self”. Many people with NPD do not want to feel exposed, therefore causing the elusion that they are better than others or need specialized attention.

If you have NPD, it is perfectly understandable to feel uncomfortable sharing your deepest feelings about yourself with others. However, you can safely express your fears and concerns with a therapist – in doing this, you may be able to work through some issues you’ve been experiencing and may be able to relate better to others. Recovery is possible – seek the help you need today.

If you’re seeking a mental health and/or substance abuse recovery treatment center, call us today at 855-412-2426. Avalon Malibu is a world-renowned, California state-licensed treatment center with licensed, experienced professionals who care about your recovery. We have a variety of methods that we can try with you to see what works and will help you develop a customized treatment plan to best suit your needs. Make the decision to place your health and happiness as top priority and call us for a consultation.

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