What Are Tips For Staying Healthy And Safe In Treatment

girl sleeping

Treatment for substance use disorder and mental health disorders at Avalon follows the sanctuary model, allowing for complete healing. Fully embracing what treatment has to offer can require avoiding certain temptations and adhering to rules more strictly.

Shoes In The Shower

Avalon keeps our residential homes in pristine condition with cleaning service on a regular basis. While showers are private, they might be shared with a roommate. Showers can quickly gather bacteria. For an extra layer of comfort and protection, you can wear sandals in the shower to avoid potential foot fungus or bacteria.

Get Sleep

After meeting with your psychiatrist, you might be prescribed a sleeping medication. For the treatment portion of your recovery, we suggest getting as much sleep as possible. Even with medications, some nights will prove more challenging than others. At Avalon we have staff available on site to help talk you through insomnia or a bad dream. Taking naps during the day is helpful, but could keep you awake at night. Sleep will help your brain and body heal, as well as give you enough energy for your treatment programming during the day.

Avoid “Rehab Romance”

“Rehab Romance” is the term used to describe an intense desire and attraction between two clients in a treatment facility. Could it be love? Of course, it’s a possibility. More likely than not, however, it is a combination of things other than true love. Love and feelings of love produce oxytocin, a hormone that creates feelings of calm and peace. Love also produces dopamine, feelings of pleasure- especially when there’s physical activity involved. Emotions run high in treatment and a budding relationship can feel like the perfect remedy. Relationships can be a distraction, demanding more attention than the critical and life-saving treatment at hand.

Maintain A Balanced Diet

As emotions come to the surface and pasts are confronted, there can be a need to feel in control or try to cope with difficult emotions. Eating is a common way people take their frustrations out in treatment, either by eating too much in unhealthy ways or too little in unhealthy ways. Treatment centers like Avalon provide nutritionally balanced meals three times a day, with access to and provided snacks in between. Maintaining a balanced diet will help your body heal and give your brain the energy it needs for processing in group.

Don’t Use With Clients

Getting sober or facing recovery for mental health is hard for some clients. Extreme measures will be taken to smuggle in substances or have them somehow delivered. If a fellow recovery peer invites you to use, do not give in at any cost. The cost of using will be higher than the temporary relief. Most treatment centers have a zero tolerance policy for being under the influence. Don’t give up now. The future is waiting, and it’s looking bright.

If you or a loved one are ready for the healing experience of treatment at Avalon By The Sea, call us today. We can give you a confidential assessment and all the information you need on our programs. 1 888-958-7511.

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