Breaking Down Wellness and Betterment

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The idea of treating addiction, mental health issues, or dual-diagnosis by addressing both dimensions in one’s recovery plan often includes having each individual make key changes for their own wellness or betterment. However, the terms “wellness” and “betterment” are often used generally, and an individual may not fully embrace what the terms entail. The path towards “wellness” and “betterment” has a few hallmark traits. Understanding what these terms include and do not include can help each individual better understand how to formulate their recovery plan throughout their journey. 

The Fluid Nature of Change

“Wellness” and “betterment” are core components of healing and are closely linked to developing a healthy lifestyle. However, that doesn’t mean that everyone will need to make the same changes. 

For some, addressing wellness and betterment can begin by evaluating one’s daily diet. Others may embrace a more physically active lifestyle. Some individuals may want to begin addressing their social lives for their health or pursue spiritual or intellectual goals. All of these activities can be considered efforts in wellness and betterment. Understanding the idea behind the terms can be more beneficial than trying to mimic another’s actions. All needs will be unique, and addressing them can help each individual thrive in their recovery journey. 

The Elements of Betterment and Wellness Practices

Betterment and wellness practices are built on an individual basis, and their definitions are, by design, flexible to some degree. Successful practices for wellness and betterment will address three key components—they are daily, conscious, and focused on some level of change. While these things may seem simple, breaking them down can help better formulate a new routine structure throughout recovery. 

The Daily Element

Engaging in practices daily is essential to achieve the desired transformative lifestyle. This means that whatever practices are being implemented need to be incorporated into a daily routine. For those looking to engage in more physical activity, going to the gym for one day may not garner desired results. One-off practices can be great for introducing the idea of a specific change, but only by implementing daily routines of practice can it truly be embraced for genuine wellness or betterment. 

An individual can have multiple strategies that fall under the same category. As long as one of them is addressed daily, it can still be considered a functioning strategy for wellness. For example, going for a jog, bike ride, going to the gym, or using indoor equipment at home can all be used on a rotating cycle to address one’s goals for physical wellness while providing variety. For those pursuing social wellness, making it a goal to reach out to even one person a day can prove beneficial for establishing relationships, whether through text message, phone call, email, letter, video chat, or even making plans to meet a friend or family member for lunch. 

The Conscious Element

For the practices to be meaningful, they need to be the center of one’s focus. Making conscious decisions towards one’s wellness and betterment is essential to embrace a degree of transformation on any front. Without making conscious, directed choices, the idea of “change” or “transformation” as a whole can seem foreign, and it can be challenging to focus on any particular area where betterment or wellness is desired. Making a conscious effort to change and conscious decisions to maintain newly implemented daily practices is necessary to internalize wellness into one’s life. Considering these elements without making a conscious effort can leave one’s needs not fully understood. 

The Change Element

Perhaps the most straightforward part of the journey to wellness and betterment is simply embracing the idea that change is necessary to see desired results. It can be impossible to make core changes towards wellness or betterment without embracing the notion some things will need to be changed in one’s life. The transformation will not magically happen. The idea of change and embracing its degree of uncertainty can open one’s mind up to new opportunities and experiences and fuel the ongoing wellness journey. 

What Wellness and Betterment Do Not Entail

While making strides towards wellness and betterment is a structured process, there are a few things that it doesn’t entail. For example, the idea of wellness or betterment has no inherent schedule or end date. It is best to take these changes at one’s own pace. It is paramount that an individual doesn’t try to rush themselves by setting unrealistic goals. It also doesn’t help to make comparisons to other people, even if they are pursuing similar goals. One’s perception of wellness and betterment dictates their own conscious, daily decisions towards change and exist outside the bounds of the opinions or progress of others. 

Wellness and betterment are complicated terms. However, learning to set your own bounds and metrics for wellness and betterment can be an empowering and positive experience. At Avalon Malibu, we understand the unique journey that accompanies these terms. We will work with you each step of the way for you to better understand them while setting meaningful and profound goals and milestones. We will further personalize your time with us by providing an array of proven therapeutic approaches, from art, music, yoga, and writing or activity-based therapies such as our seasonal ropes course. You can also take advantage of individual and group counseling to continue helping you understand and work towards your own goals of wellness and betterment. For more information on how we can individualize your time with us or speak to a caring, trained staff member about your unique recovery experience, call us today at (844) 857-5992.

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