Signs Your Loved One Is Struggling To Cope With Trauma

mental health trauma patient

Immediately after experiencing a traumatic event, there are signs and symptoms which clearly indicate that the brain has gone into trauma. Overtime, the symptoms of trauma can change and become less obvious. Instead they transform and change into coping mechanisms, means of survival, and ways of living. Traumatic events will be experienced by most people in their lifetimes but only a few people will ever develop any kind of symptom of living with trauma. Symptoms of trauma do not always indicate post traumatic stress disorder, which is a severe mental health disorder. Unfortunately, many people cannot recognize the simply symptoms of trauma which lead someone to live in emotional pain and distress. Trauma does not have to be PTSD to be severe and debilitating. If you believe you or a loved one might be living with the pain of untreated trauma, look for these signs. Recovery from trauma is possible. You can be healed.

Emotional Signs Of Trauma

Coping with trauma can take an emotional toll. Mood disorders like anxiety and depression frequently accompany trauma. Emotions can be experienced in an extreme way because they are heightened and difficult to regulate. Anger, depression, aggression, rage, denial, or emotional shut down might be the only way for someone living with trauma to express themselves. You will notice that they are emotionally different than normal. For example, someone who is usually upbeat and positive will become very quiet, mellow, or even melancholy. Conversely, someone who is typically more reserved might become outwardly spoken, highly opinionated, and act out.

Physical Signs Of Trauma

Trauma can be experienced through physical symptoms in addition to emotional symptoms. A change in diet, lack of exercise, or difficulty sleeping can all contribute to changes in physical health. Experiencing severe muscle stress can also be an issue. Racing heartbeat, seeming jumpy and defensive, being tense, tight, and on edge, can all be symptoms of trauma.

Treating Trauma

Without proper therapy, trauma can take a lifetime to heal, if it ever heals at all. When trauma turns into other issues like substance use disorder, eating disorders, process addictions, or disruptive mental health disorders, it needs residential treatment. Overtime, the mind, body, and spirit can heal from the effects of trauma.

Avalon By The Sea offers residential treatment programs for trauma as a primary issue. Our serene estate on the beautiful coastline of California is the perfect home for healing mind, body, and spirit. For a confidential assessment and more information on our programs, call 888-958-7511.

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