Releasing the Secrets That Held You During Addiction

Husband and wife having an argument

Being addicted can feel like a full-time job since it occupies so much of your thoughts, time, and energy. Keeping up with this lifestyle is not easy and because of the shame often felt surrounding your actions, hiding your addiction becomes a huge part of your life. Lying and hiding your addiction contributes more to the shame and creates a vicious shame cycle. 

When beginning recovery, releasing these secrets after holding them so close for years will help you feel more willing to leave your past mistakes behind and enter recovery more freely. There are many ways to let these secrets out of you, and it can be done in whatever way that makes you feel comfortable. If speaking out loud about these secrets feels like too much to begin with, then start with telling your secrets in a non-verbal way. 

3 Ways to Release Secrets

#1. Write it down. Writing down your secrets is by far the best way to get your secrets out of you and begin the process of letting go of them. This creates space between you in the present and your actions in the past, so you don’t have to continually define yourself by these behaviors. An extra step to ritualize the release of these secrets is safely destroying the paper you wrote the secrets on.

#2. Turn to art. Conceptualizing a tangible representation of your secret actions or how these behaviors made you feel is a great way to get these feelings out of you. By turning them into art, you allow yourself to further work through these emotions and create an opportunity to honor the growth you have had because of the experience. One day, you can look back on this art and remind yourself of the meaningful journey you had getting to know yourself through your pain.

#3. Speak the truth. Whether you feel safe talking about it at a 12-step meeting, group therapy, with a counselor, or with trusted friends and family, telling someone else about your actions will help you be free of their hold on you. When you talk about these actions that you have been keeping secret in a safe space free of judgment, you can begin to forgive yourself and find compassion for yourself. 

Don’t let yourself feel trapped by your secrets. By engaging in ways to free yourself of these secrets, you can feel more accepting of a healthier way of being without addiction. If you or a loved one is struggling to get or remain sober, consider contacting Avalon Malibu. Avalon is a leading substance abuse treatment center in Southern California where effective, individualized care is our top priority. We offer an integrated treatment approach that blends holistic and clinical therapies to set you up for success. Call us at (844) 857-5992 to hear how we can walk with you on this journey to better health.

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