Why Mental Health Disorders Require Treatment, Not Stigmatization

Mental Health Disorders Treatment

Although millions of people in the United States alone are affected at some point in their lives by mental health disorders, there is still reluctance from many people to admit that they are having this type of issue or that they need help. Mental illness should not be thought of as something to be ashamed of or a person’s fault. No one chooses this type of health issue or “brings it on themselves.” It is certainly not a sign of weakness or lack of character. So what are mental health disorders?

Mental Health Disorders Defined

A mental illness is a disorder that interferes with the way a person feels or thinks. It can also affect his or her thinking patterns and relationships with friends, family members, coworkers and peers and the ability to function normally on a daily basis. A number of people living with a mental illness find it challenging to deal with the ordinary tasks and responsibilities that come with everyday life.

Symptoms of mental health disorders can vary greatly between disorders and can be mild, moderate or severe within each disorder itself.

Examples of mental health issues include:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Pain management
  • Dual diagnosis

Dual Diagnosis And Mental Illness

In some cases, a client comes into treatment for addiction and mental health disorders at the same time. We understand that in many cases, a person may not immediately understand the nature of their mental health concern. The client may turn to drugs or alcohol as a way to deal with the symptoms of mental illness. Over time, he or she develops an addiction and the underlying mental illness remains untreated.

Dual diagnosis clients require treatment for both health issues at the same time. Our team of experts creates detailed treatment plans for each client we see in this situation. Treatment is provided to deal with the whole person so that he or she can break free from the influence of drugs and alcohol and get help for the mental illness as well.

Help For Mental Health Disorders

Successful treatment for mental health disorders involves getting an accurate diagnosis and offering a program of intensive daily psychotherapy and medication as appropriate. In this way, clients can resolve lifelong issues to get on the road to recovery.

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