How Music Affects Mood

How Music Affects Mood

Whether you prefer country music, techno-pop beats, or the dramatic swell of a symphony, the music you listen to can elevate your mood. Recent studies conclude that even “sad” music can be uplifting. When engaged in a therapeutic setting, music has the potential to enhance memory, manage stress, and alleviate pain, according to the American Music Therapy Association. Don’t underestimate the power of your playlist!

How Do Your Favorite Songs Change Your Mood?

University of Central Florida professors Kiminobu Sugaya and Ayako Yonetani explore the intersection between brain functionality and consumption of music, examining the emotional and behavioral responses to song and melody. Music can reduce pain, stress, and depressive symptoms and increase cognitive and motor skills. Sugaya and Yonetani also relate seizure reduction, improved immune system health, and memory recovery to music.

Your mood often dictates your music choices, and if you’re feeling low, you may turn to some slow-tempo favorites. Several recent studies draw conflicting conclusions about the emotional impact of sad songs. A 2016 study conducted by Durham University in the United Kingdom and the University of Jyväskylä in Finland found that some participants gained pleasure and comfort from sad songs, while others experienced feelings of “profound grief.” Lead author Dr. Tuomas Eerola, a professor at Durham University, commented, “The results help us to pinpoint the ways people regulate their mood with the help of music, as well as how music rehabilitation and music therapy might tap into these processes of comfort, relief, and enjoyment.” Music possesses a unique power, making it an effective therapy for individuals with mood and neurological disorders.

What Is Music Therapy?

The American Music Therapy Association defines the practice as “the clinical and evidence-based use of music interventions to accomplish individualized goals within a therapeutic relationship by a credentialed professional who has completed an approved music therapy program.” When used in treatment for substance use disorders (SUDs), music therapy offers individuals a creative outlet to express internalized emotions. Through music production, dance, and listening, licensed therapists can locate and satisfy the emotional and spiritual needs of the patients.

Music therapy can help improve your recovery by tapping into your emotions and improving your mood. At Avalon Malibu, we want you to be an active participant in your recovery. Our dedicated team of mental health professionals can equip you with the necessary tools to help you cope with stress and combat cravings during treatment and beyond. When you leave our facility, you should be prepared to overcome any challenges and lead a successful and sober life. Our commitment to offering diverse treatment options ensures that each person can enjoy a unique rehabilitation experience tailored to their individual needs.

To learn more about how we can help, call us today at (844) 857-5992.

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