How Does Alcohol Abuse Affect The Body

depressed girl drinking alcohol

Alcohol is not a liquid which goes into our bodies and then just leaves. People are not commonly mindful of how what they put in their body actually affects their body. Here are some of the ways alcohol abuse can affect the physical body.

Alcohol Abuse Affects How You Make Waste

What goes in must come out. Alcohol can’t stay in our bodies forever. Three organs work to help eliminate alcohol once it has entered the system: the pancreas, the gallbladder and the liver. The pancreas and the gallbladder work together to create digestive enzymes which help break the alcohol down so that the rest of the body can digest and eliminate it. The liver filters out alcohol and makes it less toxic for the other organs. When alcohol is abused, the high levels of alcohol damage all three organs. The pancreas will instead secrete harmful enzymes, causing pancreatitis. Cirrhosis of the liver causes the liver to shut down and not filter the alcohol anymore. Cancer or disease of all three organs is common.

Alcohol Abuse Affects How You Think

Cognitive function is impaired with one sip of alcohol. How we think, feel, act, and respond, are all cognitive functions. Long term alcohol abuse can damage the cognitive area of the brain, especially the prefrontal cortex. In youth, alcohol abuse can halt psychological development and create long term problems with maturation. In addition, alcohol abuse can lead to alcoholism. The disease of alcoholism fundamentally changes the way the brain works, rewiring it to crave more alcohol all the time.

Alcohol Abuse Affects How Your Heart Works

Cardiovascular systems are slowed down by alcohol. Recent inquiry has been paid to whether or not alcohol abuse in youth can still lead to greater risk of heart attack in older age, even with years of sobriety. Heart disease, heart attack, stroke, and heart failure are common consequences of alcohol abuse.

Alcohol Abuse Affects Your Immune System

From binge drinking to alcohol abuse to alcoholism, alcohol weakens the immune system. After one episode of binge drinking, research has found, an individual is more likely to get sick within just a few days. The sugars from alcohol reduce the strength of the immune system.

Recovery from alcoholism is possible. If you are finding physical symptoms of alcohol abuse and are afraid your drinking is out of control, call Avalon By The Sea today for a confidential assessment and more information on our residential treatment programs for alcoholism. 1 888-958-7511.

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