How Do I Find The Right Therapist

female therapist

Therapy is defined as the “treatment intended to relieve or heal a disorder”. Despite the definition, a disorder is not required for therapy. Many people have issues, problems, or difficulties they need to sort out. Working with a psychological professional is helpful for getting a deeper understanding of oneself and how they relate to those around them.

Treatment for drug and alcohol therapy goes hand in hand with therapy. Almost every treatment program around the world employs the use of therapy in various forms. Traditional talk therapy, which can incorporate different practices of therapy, is most common.

Finding The Right Therapist

In treatment, a therapist will usually be assigned to you. After your initial evaluation and intake, the clinical team holds a meeting to discuss your course of treatment. Having a good idea of who you are and your clinical needs, the clinical team decides on the best fit for your treatment. Few treatment centers will allow someone to bring their outside therapist into the treatment center for private sessions. Therapists need to have a deep understanding of a treatment facility, their philosophy, and how the clinical team works.

Outside of treatment, finding a therapist can happen in numerous ways. How you find a therapist and what kind of therapist you choose mostly depends on financial ability and insurance. If you have insurance, you can use your insurance provider to find a therapist. Most insurance providers have online databases of all of the treatment providers within the insurance network. Depending on your specific needs, such as trauma treatment, ADHD, or just counseling, you can apply filters to your search to find who you need. Therapists who are covered by insurance will make the financial cost of therapy easy on your bank account while also helping you with any deductible you might have.

Therapists can also be found by doing an internet search for a therapist in your location. Another great way to find a therapist to work with is to ask friends who they work with.

Continuing Therapy After Treatment

For residential inpatient programs, it is uncommon to continue working with your therapist after treatment. You might have a chance to work with them through other step down programs, like through intensive outpatient or outpatient. Once graduated from all levels of treatment, such therapists typically have too busy of a schedule to continue adding private clients. Extended care programs usually encourage you to continue seeing your therapist from in treatment.

As part of your discharge and continuing care planning, your therapist and clinical team will guide you in finding a therapist to meet with. Before you leave the premises, you will have contacted a therapist in the area where you will be living and scheduled an appointment.

Avalon By The Sea is a certified treatment center for treating both substance use disorders and mental health disorders as primary diagnoses. Our staff is highly clinically trained and certified. For a confidential assessment and more information, call Avalon today 1 888-958-7511.

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