How Can Yoga Support Your Recovery From Trauma?

If you are recovering from trauma, maybe you have heard that yoga can support your healing process.

Lived trauma experiences can create a sense of vulnerability and insecurity, and yoga therapy can serve as a practice to rebuild this sense of safety and strength.

How Yoga Therapy Works 

Yoga therapy is a therapeutic modality where yoga’s physical and spiritual practices are incorporated into one’s treatment plan. While being guided through the physical practice of yoga, you can connect to what you are experiencing mentally and spiritually in your healing journey. Practicing yoga can help you identify your true self, creating a space for healing and liberation to unfold.

Focus On Holistic Wellness 

Yoga is a holistic wellness practice, which means it integrates the mind, body, and spirit in your healing journey. By discovering how your lived experiences, thoughts, and emotions are connected, you can experience recovery beyond what could be accessed by solely paying attention to the physical aspect of healing.

Yoga therapy can help you increase not only your physical resilience but also your mental and emotional resiliency as you move forward in your healing journey.

Integrating Mind, Body, and Breath 

As you move your body in yogic practices, an instructor will guide you to connect your breath to each movement and allow your breath to guide the movement you are practicing.

Consciously focusing on your breath as you move connects you to your physical self and can help you cultivate new ways of feeling safe in your body, an experience that is often lost through traumatic experiences. Healing from trauma is about regaining this level of safety and trust to be in one’s body.

Regardless of where you are in your recovery from trauma or how flexible you are, yoga therapy can be a powerful way to continue or begin your path of healing physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

At Avalon Malibu, we recognize how experiences of trauma can leave you feeling vulnerable and powerless in your life. Recovering from trauma looks different for everyone, but yoga therapy is a therapeutic option that can help you heal. Integrating the mind, body, and spirit, yoga is a holistic wellness practice. By discovering how your lived experiences, thoughts, and emotions are connected, you can experience recovery beyond what could be accessed by solely paying attention to the physical aspect of healing. To learn more, call Avalon Malibu today at (844) 857-5992.

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