Slowing Down in a Busy World

Learning how to slow down in a world that perpetuates “hustle culture” can feel like going against the grain. Maybe you want to live at a slower pace, but part of you feels pressured to speed up to achieve success.

Even when our society expects us to be busy, plugged in, and going all of the time, learning to slow down can be an essential piece of living a life where you feel content and connected.

Don’t Compare Yourself to Others 

Just because it may appear that everyone else is going faster when you slow down, that does not mean your desire and choice to live that way are wrong. Instead of comparing yourself with others, do what is in the best interest of your health and overall well-being.

Learn to Say ‘No’ 

You can often feel pressure to say “yes” even when you want to say “no” — especially if you tend to people-please. However, by setting boundaries for yourself and others, you can listen to your true intentions and not always be concerned with how others will react.

When you learn to say “no,” you can spend more time with purposeful intention, simplicity, and mindfulness.

Commit to Free Days 

Have you ever had a day where nothing was on your calendar, but you felt expected to fill it just because it was open? In the pursuit of living at a slower pace, cultivate a practice of committing to one day a week where there is nothing on your calendar other than having the day to recenter and slow down in a way that makes sense to you.

Time is something you cannot get back. How do you want to spend and feel in it? How can you begin developing ways to experience time at a slower pace and with a more focused presence?

Therapy is a great way to begin to answer these questions for yourself.

Although it may feel uncomfortable, slowing down in a busy world is an essential piece of living life in a way that supports and aligns with your unique journey of healing. Choosing to slow down in a world that preaches the opposite is about trusting your desire to live slowly, setting boundaries with your time, and keeping your commitments to yourself. At Avalon Malibu, we can help you define what this means to you through the therapeutic process. We offer a variety of therapies, each tailored to the individual. To learn more, call us today at (844) 857-5992.

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